Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Moses_Bodah Moses Bodah
#player2 Matthew_Larocque Matthew Larocque
>Moses_Bodah: AIN 8F ANI +6 6
>Matthew_Larocque: AACEORV E4 COVER +24 24
#note I guessed that AA and AO were almost the same, but I had slight uncertainty on CAVER. Alternatively I can play AVO/OVA, but I opted for points.
>Moses_Bodah: IPU 7H PIU +10 16
>Matthew_Larocque: AACDINO 4A CODI. +26 50
#note This isn't even a word, and it lags behind some valid plays. I flopped between CO(C)AIN, CA(C)AO, etc. but it's a shame I missed CI(C)ADA and didn't know ANODIC.
>Moses_Bodah: JOT 3B JOT +37 53
>Matthew_Larocque: AAEENNO 9G AEON +14 64
#note (C)ANOE duh
>Moses_Bodah: IY 6D I.Y +17 70
>Matthew_Larocque: AEGINOV A4 .OVING +36 100
>Moses_Bodah: SU 9D US +13 83
>Matthew_Larocque: AABEKOU C7 KAB +25 125
#note Whatever, I'll figure it out next turn haha. Maybe he doesn't know BEAUX, but I didn't want to underestimate my opponents THAT much.
>Moses_Bodah: I I9 .I +2 85
>Matthew_Larocque: AEEORTU B3 ..E +12 137
#note *shrug* at first this seemed dumb, but AEOURT is better than it looks thanks to all the OUT bingos. I didn't see AER(I)E 10F though.
>Moses_Bodah: DE 10H D.E +17 102
>Matthew_Larocque: AEHORTU 11J THOU +17 154
#note I kind of grimaced that this was the best I could come up with. Play it vertically for 19 though!
>Moses_Bodah: EX 12K EX +41 143
>Matthew_Larocque: ADEFLNR 13I FAN +16 170
#note At some point around this time, I knew he had a Y because he exposed it. I was struggling to find a play... so I figured he might be scared to play his Y here.
>Moses_Bodah: PY L10 P.. +12 155
>Matthew_Larocque: DELMRTT 6J MELD +23 193
#note Instead of MELT because of MELTY, which could be worse than simply playing parallel to MELD. Too bad I didn't see 5D T(O)M.
>Moses_Bodah: EWY 5I YEW +33 188
>Matthew_Larocque: ALORRTT 4K ORT +12 205
#note I'm still grimacing.
>Moses_Bodah: DR I3 DR. +9 197
>Matthew_Larocque: AEELRST N9 RESLATE +76 281
#note Funny that I overlooked the other placement for RESLATE. Apparently I'm losing nearly 10% winning chances for the more risky placement.
>Moses_Bodah: AZ M13 ZA +46 243
#note I grabbed the Q, so he won't be able to complete the quartet.
>Matthew_Larocque: AAEEFGQ 15L AG.E +31 312
#note Meh
>Moses_Bodah: G 13M ..G +13 256
>Matthew_Larocque: ?AEFIQR 12H QI +26 338
#note Wow, just brutal. And I don't think it's the first time.
>Moses_Bodah: BIO H1 BIO +18 274
>Matthew_Larocque: ??AEFIR O4 FrAIlER +90 428
#note But I fluke out and don't lose nearly as much ground as I could have. Still, it's possible I get back-to-back bingos instead of just this one.
>Moses_Bodah: MTU G3 MUT +17 291
>Matthew_Larocque: AELLNTW 1H .LAWN +11 439
#note No idea what to do. I didn't see (U)NWELL?
>Moses_Bodah: HNRSS - +0 291
#note Or he could do that and then (B)LAWN suddenly becomes the best play.
>Matthew_Larocque: ENT 2J NE +13 452
#note Solid F for this misplayed endgame, but you know my primary goal is to beat the clock.
>Moses_Bodah: HLRSS 14I SH +32 323
>Matthew_Larocque: T D9 .T +2 454
#note (TI)T(I).
>Matthew_Larocque: (LRS) +6 460
#note But hey I didn't need a phony bingo to win this time!
Player 2
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