Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Conrad Conrad
#player2 JD JD
>Conrad: IQ 8G QI +22 22
>Conrad: AOPTW 6H .OWPAT +21 43
>JD: AEEFMNY I5 F.Y +27 89
>Conrad: ANOY K4 YA.ON +20 63
>JD: AEEEMNV L3 VEN.E +30 119
#note I like the defensive values of VENAE but EVE bingos so much next turn that it seems worth it (56 pts per turn V 41 after YAPON)
>Conrad: AEGI 9E AGI.E +20 83
>JD: AEMOTUW 4C OUTWA. +18 137
#note or outwear
>Conrad: DDI J2 DID +16 99
#note given how long conrad has had to groom his rack by this point, I like KOHLS at N2 better rather than a move that gives him more bingo lanes to work with like MOHEL. There are two blanks and 3 esses left so hoarding the S is not worthwhile.
>Conrad: ?HINRTU B7 c.THURNI +86 185
>Conrad: FINO O1 FOIN +38 223
>JD: AEEIIMN 11E AMI.INE +40 264
>Conrad: ANOTX 13B .ONTAX +42 265
>JD: ?EEGIOR 14F GIE +24 288
#note at the time I really liked this move because all of the high-pointers that would fit at 15H were gone, but now it just seems like I was giving conrad free points. the play I like now is ERGO at 12A - with only one I and one U it's not that easy for him to play on row 14, so I leave myself two nice lanes to try and hit for net turn.
>Conrad: EEILRSU 15H LEISURE +80 345
#note gutsy, he's likely in a lot of trouble after GIE but he can't pass up the points I don't think.
>JD: ?ACEORR 2C CORRAdE. +62 350
#note crazy that I can't bingo on the bottom-right. rancored at 2c gives me more counter-play than corraded, assuming that he's likely to hit the bottom-right
>Conrad: BEPRSV O11 PERVS +57 402
>JD: ABGSTTZ 1G ZA +47 397
>Conrad: BDL 14A B.D +9 411
>JD: BGSTT I1 G.T +21 418
#note once I spotted the prospect of GET I knew I had a chance because he could go over on time...
>Conrad: L D1 L. +3 414
#note no diceequity.txt
>Conrad: (BST) +10 424
Player 2
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