Game Details
Player 1
#player1 JD JD
#player2 Mike_Frentz Mike Frentz
>Mike_Frentz: DIIORTW E5 TWI. +14 14
#note think he said his rack was something like this?
>JD: AGNNNQR 6B GNA.N +15 43
#note sometimes I get tranq blindness. not sure why. the decision between exchanging AGNR, playing QUAG and playing GNAWN is kind of interesting, and I realized after the fact that I should've just exchanged...but then quackle tells you you suck and you move on
>Mike_Frentz: DEEINOR H3 ORIEN.ED +60 74
>JD: EINQRRT 9C QI +27 70
>Mike_Frentz: ETW I3 WET +23 97
#note unfortunate that he blocked invertor, even though it cleans up my rack a lot I really shouldn't be giving mike a shot at a triple after he has a turn to groom his rack. should've plaed ROVED.
>Mike_Frentz: ABEEGRS 1B GERBE.AS +86 183
>JD: ?BEIRTX 10B XI +36 137
#note holding the X is usually not what I try to do with the blank in hand, but quackle loves playing BITER at 10B with lots of shots at 40-50 point X plays next turn and the blank in hand. sure, why not.
>Mike_Frentz: DIJ C3 DJI. +24 207
>JD: ?ABEERT 10H .EBATERs +68 205
>Mike_Frentz: IPZ O7 ZIP. +42 249
#note he evidently had the second blank somewhere around this point
>JD: AAFOSTU L10 .UFA +14 219
#note non-intuitive to me but quackle likes it
>Mike_Frentz: NOY 7A YON +24 273
>JD: ADIOSST 8A OD +29 248
>Mike_Frentz: CLM K8 CL.M +24 297
>Mike_Frentz: ?CHIRTY N1 ITCHY +36 333
#note believe he said this was his rack
>JD: ILOORUU 13J LU.U +8 321
#note inexplicable decision, the only tile that matters is the blank, should just x6. sure he can block but at least he has to think about it.
>Mike_Frentz: AGH L3 HAG +33 366
>JD: AEIOOOR 1K OOR.E +18 339
>Mike_Frentz: DM 9G M.D +23 389
>JD: AAFILOP 14F FOLIA +22 361
#note this is kind of a zugzwang position, best play is ABA at J9 not opening any scoring plays for him. this gives up veenas for 50. still only 2 down on optimal though
>Mike_Frentz: ?AEEESV 15J SEVErE +39 428
>JD: AP H13 A.P +15 376
#note oops
>JD: (A) +2 378
Player 2
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