Player 1 |
#player1 Mike_Howlett Mike Howlett
#player2 JD JD
>Mike_Howlett: ADEITW 8D WAITED +28 28
>Mike_Howlett: OOW D4 WOO +17 45
>JD: ADENNOS F10 DON +17 53
>Mike_Howlett: AEINRTU C7 TAURINE +79 124
#note he almost played INDURATE or something like that - too bad for me he spotted the big hook
>JD: AEENOSY 7G AYE +20 73
>Mike_Howlett: CIV I4 VIC.. +11 135
>JD: ABENOQS G6 Q.. +12 85
#note or qanat which didn't occur to me
>Mike_Howlett: EX D12 EX +31 166
>JD: ABENOSS B10 ABOS +29 114
#note not totally sure what's going on with the sim, it's seeing a big decrease next turn in how many points I score if I play ABOS/OBAS as opposed to something like SOB. I think this is the result of misplays by Quackle.
>Mike_Howlett: ??IMNRU A4 MURkINg +82 248
#note ugh, this is a tough challenge because he can just change the blanks and make MURRINE as well as a dozen other words, but I should've trusted my instincts and challenged. I held for a while
>Mike_Howlett: CIK K4 .ICK +20 268
>JD: AAGLNOU H1 LOG.A +20 208
#note I'm in a lot of trouble but I clearly need new lanes. That said I love quackle's suggestion of SEXUAL at 13B which is a tough find - setting me up for a potential huge play (ASEXUAL) next turn to get back in the game.
>Mike_Howlett: DLOP C2 PLOD +22 290
#note desperation play, not sure if he would've left if if he didn't have a bingo
>Mike_Howlett: AEENRTT 13F ENTREAT +64 354
>JD: EFGISUV 12K FUG +23 278
>Mike_Howlett: EEHM 9L HEME +26 380
>JD: ABEHISV H13 .AB +15 293
#note it's a long shot but I thoughts I till had a chance of winning if I drew into BESHIVER. Actually though I like quackle's suggestion of BATHS at H11 a lot - I get in range where a bingo will win me a game with lots of good lanes all of a sudden. A missed opportunity.
>Mike_Howlett: JO J2 JO. +26 406
>JD: EGHISSV N12 SHIV +28 321
#note quackle likes FAG to set up my S, block LIBRATED and give me a shot at drawing HEAVINESS. at least SHIV also blocks LIBRATED.
>Mike_Howlett: AEILRRT 15J ARRI.E +30 436
>JD: DEGS 11E ..DGES +8 329
#note after his last play he can't go out in one play, which means I should play OS/STICKY and then go out.
>JD: (LT) +4 333
#note should've done a much better job of getting back into this game, challenging murking* would've been a start.