Player 1 |
#player1 whatnoloan whatnoloan
#player2 chaithedog chaithedog
>whatnoloan: AFILNOR H4 FOLIAR +26 26
>chaithedog: ?AFKPPS 5G K.PPA +26 26
>whatnoloan: ?AEINTT 8H .TTAINEd +74 100
#note Wasn't sure between 8H plays and INsTATE. This play seemed to make the left side of the board difficult, though certainly not impossible, to open. Not sure if thats worth the equity sacrifice.
>chaithedog: ?AEFRSW O1 SElFWAR. +98 124
#note Would you play this or dWARFESt? In a discussion, Carl and I favored this a bit, as it seemed to be a little less friendly to the right side of the board in general than dWARFESt.
>whatnoloan: ADEGINS J7 S.EADING +66 166
#note Oh, this plays to the left for 3 more points.
>chaithedog: ABCEOTX 12J .CEBOX +50 174
>whatnoloan: CLNNRTW N10 CL.WN +32 198
>chaithedog: AHHJNRT 4K HAJ +31 205
>whatnoloan: IIMNRTT 2J INTIM. +20 218
>chaithedog: EHNRTUZ N6 ZE. +65 270
>whatnoloan: IIIQRRT 1J QI +24 242
>chaithedog: HLNRTUU O14 UH +17 287
#note Might an exchange, perhaps an exchange seven, be in order here? LNRTU doesn't look pretty here, and the esses are huge on this board. On the other hand, 17 points is better than it usually is on this board.
>whatnoloan: EGIIRRT G2 TRI.E +17 259
#note Scores well, turns over tiles. Not a huge fan of plays like GRIN or RAGI because EIRT just doesn't seem outstanding here. This does set up an a S hook, but I don't think there's a problem with that, since a similar S hook is already open.
>chaithedog: ELNRTUU 3A UNTRUE. +14 301
#note Carl pointed out that I blocked his UNRUL(I)E(S)T! Speaking of which, UNRULED is available here. Neither of us was sure of the word.
>whatnoloan: EGIOORU F6 GUIRO +20 279
#note Oh, missed GOOIER.
>chaithedog: ADGLOVY A1 GA.DY +36 337
#note Other options are DANGLY B1 and BOGY M12. DANGLY may be better to turn another tile and score a couple more. Not sure about BOGY, though the leave is prettier I suppose. Gotta go for those esses though!
>whatnoloan: DEELOOS 15D DOOLEES +91 370
>chaithedog: ABELOVV D1 VA.VE +30 367
>whatnoloan: AEIORTY 14F YEA +31 401
#note Championship player suggests that TYE is a bit better. Didn't know how to determine which was the superior choice.
>chaithedog: BELMOOS 8A EMBOL. +33 400
>whatnoloan: DINORT 13L DO. +25 426
>chaithedog: OS L1 S.O. +18 418
#note Awesome game!
>chaithedog: (INRT) +8 426