Game Details
Player 1
#player1 David_Gibson David Gibson
#player2 Joey_Krafchick Joey Krafchick
>David_Gibson: ORXY 8F ORYX +28 28
>Joey_Krafchick: EEIKNST G6 KE.NITES +65 65
>David_Gibson: IILNORS 12A LIONIS.R +70 98
>Joey_Krafchick: ADFGOOZ A11 F.OOD +27 92
#note I didn't want to leave the 3x3 open, and I figure OK i'm scoring 27 and holding onto the Z...quackle likes FADO(S) for 35 better. (-5)
>David_Gibson: AQ 11E QA. +48 146
>Joey_Krafchick: AADEGMZ 10F Z.G +65 157
#note Worked! Lucky though
>David_Gibson: CGIMNU 6D MUC.ING +26 172
>Joey_Krafchick: AAADEMU -AAU +0 157
#note I sat here for a good 4-5 minutes and thought....didn't like any of my options. AMAD(O)U is the play, didn't see it. I wanted the U off of my rack, especially since the Q is gone (normally I'm more likely to keep a U if the Q is still out, at any point), and playing amadou accomplishes that as well as scoring 24. (-15)
>David_Gibson: AR C12 .RA +6 178
>Joey_Krafchick: ADEMNRW 15C DRAWMEN +97 254
>Joey_Krafchick: ADEMNRW -- -97 157
#note Yeah, idk. I saw this on my rack, thougt I saw it somewhere before. And given that before he play (O)RA it was homeless, I got excited.
>David_Gibson: EIT H12 .ITE +14 192
>Joey_Krafchick: ADEMNRW I13 MAD +22 179
>David_Gibson: CHIU D4 HU.IC +30 222
>Joey_Krafchick: ?ELNRRW C2 WREN +21 200
#note I gotta open it up while I still can!....quackle agrees.
>David_Gibson: EEFINRS 15G R..EFINES +92 314
>Joey_Krafchick: ?ELOPRT O8 PLOtTER. +80 280
>David_Gibson: AW J13 AW. +34 348
#note I should learn my 4's at some point...
>Joey_Krafchick: BEEINOT B14 BE +21 301
#note Quackle likes BEE n10 a little better.
>David_Gibson: ?AELSTU K7 sALUTES +69 417
>Joey_Krafchick: AAEINOT 14M OA. +12 313
>David_Gibson: AY N10 YA +27 444
>Joey_Krafchick: AEEINTT 8A ETI. +18 331
>David_Gibson: JU B6 JU. +26 470
>Joey_Krafchick: AENOTVV B1 VOE +24 355
>David_Gibson: BD E5 B.D +25 495
>Joey_Krafchick: AEHNPTV L8 HAP +27 382
>David_Gibson: ADGILO M4 ALGOID +23 518
#note He drew well, but I didn't play perfect either.
>David_Gibson: (ENTV) +14 532
Player 2
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