Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Joel_Horn Joel Horn
#player2 Morris_Greenberg Morris Greenberg
>Joel_Horn: ?AAEPQV 8E PAVE +18 18
>Morris_Greenberg: EILMOTW E8 .LOW +18 18
#note First game to be uploaded to cross-tables! To start off, I think it makes sense to make a mediocre play so no one expects much. :)
Seriously though, I completely missed MI(A)OW and preferred (P)LOW to (W)IMP or (W)IMPLE. I should've also considered MOW 7H more seriously.
>Joel_Horn: AOOQ -AOOQ +0 18
>Morris_Greenberg: AAEIMTU 10B MIA.U +15 33
#note Either this or (V)AU, Sim prefers this.
>Joel_Horn: AEES 12C EASE +18 36
>Morris_Greenberg: AEEIORT 7H OE +5 38
#note Didn't like how the 6 point OE plays opened up the triples. It turned out this was the right spot based on his tiles, but not at all what I expected. This sims 4th after OE 9A and 11A, and AERO I6.
>Joel_Horn: ?DEITUU 6I DUI +9 45
#note He told me after I blocked qUI(E)TUDE.
>Morris_Greenberg: AEIORST K5 O. +4 42
#note Either this or OI in the same spot.
>Joel_Horn: BDU 13F DUB +10 55
>Morris_Greenberg: AEGIRST L3 GAITERS +75 117
#note This sims best, the others give too much back.
>Joel_Horn: TUX 9A TUX +39 94
>Morris_Greenberg: GIIJNRS 3J JI. +11 128
#note I was probably too ING crazy this turn. However, I do like this play more than adding the S at the end. If he does have the last S and scores some points with it, he will most likely open the triple. I didn't like JI(B) as much either at H11, because he could add -ED, -ER, -ES, or -BS, which is more likely with all the E's out than pluralizing JIG. I think JIG(S) 9I looks right, JIN 13A isn't bad either. The 9I JIG(S) is 69.59% winning percentage, my play was 66.94%.
>Joel_Horn: OY H13 .OY +24 118
>Morris_Greenberg: GINNRRS I6 ..RN +16 144
>Morris_Greenberg: GINNRRS -- -16 128
#note turrible, turrible, turrible. I think I was thinking DERNIER. Just sloppy.
>Joel_Horn: ?ABEPRT 14G P.RTABlE +80 198
>Morris_Greenberg: GINNRRS 5J N..R +6 134
#note I like this, maybe I should've taken the points with RING or GIRN 13A being down by a bit now, but sim agrees with me.
>Joel_Horn: INN 15M INN +12 210
>Morris_Greenberg: CGILNRS M1 CIS +34 168
#note I didn't really love any play here. GLIN(T) A5 maybe? CR(EASE) 12A? Sim likes GLIN(T) best, then LING 13A, then CR(EASE), and then CIS. I guess the CRS leave is really good for this board, since the NOIR bingo lane is really the only one left, so the S is sort of necessary to keep. 16 extra points isn't enough to burn the S in my situation probably.
>Joel_Horn: EH 8A EH +29 239
>Morris_Greenberg: CEEGLNR 7B CEL +17 185
#note Ah, missed RE(C)CE, bad miss. Sim also likes ENG 13B and GEN 13A. I really don't see how the CELR leave is 5 points better than the EGNR leave though.
>Joel_Horn: EFHLT 1I FLET.H +15 254
#note This is probably a mistake on his part, I forgot to ask him what else he had, but I can't imagine how FEH M7 could be worse than this. He said he wanted to make sure I didn't bingo through the C.
>Morris_Greenberg: ?EGINRV N5 sERVING +68 253
#note up from 10% to 33% after this. Misscored as 67.
>Joel_Horn: ANTW 11J TWAN. +18 272
>Morris_Greenberg: ELMORSZ F6 ZO. +32 285
#note Sim goes back and forth between this and ELM 13A, after 2500ish, this is a slight favorite. ELM's potential Z(E)RO setup is pretty sweet, but I still like ZO(A). I didn't really consider ELM during the game though.
>Joel_Horn: DGOO 12I GOOD +25 297
>Morris_Greenberg: ELMNRST I6 ..RM +20 305
#note Nicer when it isn't phony and challenged off :)
>Joel_Horn: EK M9 KE. +26 323
>Morris_Greenberg: AEILNST - +0 305
#note If I play a bingo, I could pick up the Q and with any tile besides the I as the second letter, he can block the only Q spot created by the bingo and he wins. If he has the Q, right now, his only play is QADI 13A which empties the bag, and I bingo out to win. If he decides to not empty the bag, I can pass again and still win. The only kind of interesting play he can make is (F)A, in which case I play LA 13C to block the Q. This wins 100%, SLAINTE 94%, SALTINE 85%.
>Joel_Horn: ADIOQRY 13A QADI +36 359
>Morris_Greenberg: AEILNST 2C SALTINE +64 369
>Morris_Greenberg: (AFORY) +22 391
Player 2
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