Player 1 |
#player1 Joshua_Sokol Joshua Sokol
#player2 Bernard_Gotlieb Bernard Gotlieb
>Joshua_Sokol: EINSUVW -UVW +0 0
#note Yours truly, Mr. Fisherman, at your service. I don't care what anyone says. This is best. Just more U's for Bernard to get frustrated with.
>Bernard_Gotlieb: ADF H7 FAD +14 14
>Joshua_Sokol: EIINOSS G6 IONISES +71 71
#note Told you it was best.
>Bernard_Gotlieb: BEW F4 WEB +24 38
>Joshua_Sokol: ABIORRT 12A ARBORI.T +74 145
#note :D
>Bernard_Gotlieb: NQRST A10 TR.NQS +45 83
>Joshua_Sokol: AADESTY E4 AY +25 170
#note Almost attempted STEAD(W)AY. :)
>Bernard_Gotlieb: EHILO D4 HELIO +42 125
>Joshua_Sokol: ADEFRST 7G ..F +13 183
#note I thought of FAD(O), but I like DASTER too much. Anyways, this gives me a good lane to work with next turn.
>Bernard_Gotlieb: AILU 14A .UAIL +28 153
>Joshua_Sokol: ADERSTU 10F U. +4 187
#note AUD(I)TS or RAD(I)US F9. Nice. That's a good way to stop fishing.
>Bernard_Gotlieb: EHW H12 .HEW +30 183
>Joshua_Sokol: ADEORST I13 OD +13 200
#note LOL. I suck. (In my defense I had been awake for over 12 hours)
>Bernard_Gotlieb: UUVV - +0 183
#note He exchanged VUVU and something else. I would've fished for VUVUZELA :)
>Joshua_Sokol: AEERSTT J5 RESTATE +71 271
>Bernard_Gotlieb: JO 11D JO +31 214
>Joshua_Sokol: AADILNU K9 LANDAU +22 293
#note (T)ULADI 8J or DULIA 12J, as there is no S left.
>Bernard_Gotlieb: INV 8A VIN. +21 235
#note There's 1 V back! :P
>Joshua_Sokol: EGIIKOP 5H PI.OGI +18 311
#note Great dump. I almost went for GOPIK/PRESTATE
>Bernard_Gotlieb: EVX L8 VEX +30 265
>Joshua_Sokol: ACEKMOR M9 CAKER +48 359
>Joshua_Sokol: ACEKMOR -- -48 311
#note CAMEO at the same spot.
>Bernard_Gotlieb: ENZ B6 ZE.N +33 298
>Joshua_Sokol: ACEKMOR M9 CAROM +44 355
#note Actually CAROM is better since there aren't many vowels left in the bag.
>Bernard_Gotlieb: CEP C2 PEC +26 324
>Joshua_Sokol: ?ADEIKT 4K DAK +31 386
#note I lucked out drawing the blank here. sKIED 15K is the surest win. DAK doesn't turn out to be a good play, apparently.
>Bernard_Gotlieb: ?LMNOUY N12 MU +12 336
#note Playing this one spot lower was apparenly his best play. This still wins around 60% of the time (of course he has to see the bingo next turn)
>Joshua_Sokol: ?EEINTT O7 TENETs +19 405
#note (P)EnITENT. Wow. Well I screwed up bigtime.
>Bernard_Gotlieb: ?EGLORY 1A ROsY +37 373
#note But then again, so does he. (P)LaYGOER? Ridiculous. I knew FILMGOER... Can someone find the other playable bingo? It's even more ridiculous.
>Joshua_Sokol: GI H3 GI. +7 412
#note hY(P)ERGOL... It's a rocket fuel. In this case, I guess this is "rocket science". Poor Bernard, he always misses the win...
>Joshua_Sokol: (EGL) +8 420