Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Bernard_Gotlieb Bernard Gotlieb
#player2 Joshua_Sokol Joshua Sokol
>Bernard_Gotlieb: AADEINR H6 ARANEID +70 70
>Joshua_Sokol: ?ELRRSV 11E REV.LeRS +90 90
#note Or RESILVER. I like this better since it opens two triple letter hotspots instead of only one.
>Bernard_Gotlieb: EOW 10J WOE +30 100
>Joshua_Sokol: ?AFLNOY 10D FOY +32 122
#note FALcON(R)Y. Nice. nONL(E)AFY is the other available bingo.
>Bernard_Gotlieb: AEEQRTU 12A QUATE +51 151
#note Bernard told me about this rack. I thought REEQUAT(ES) was good. He said he was going to be pissed if it was... :P
This is best.
>Joshua_Sokol: ?AKLMNU L8 KU.. +13 135
#note LU(N)K or (A)UK here. I didn't want to get rid of the U, but I really didn't want to fish for a Q play instead of for a bingo. I guess I could've gone with LA(N)K.
>Bernard_Gotlieb: EEFIR 8L .IEF +33 184
>Joshua_Sokol: ?AHLMNO N2 MANHOL.s +78 213
#note Ah, yes, M(E)tHANOL. Missed that one. I quickly saw HOM(E)LANd, then MANHOL(E)s shortly after. Didn't take the time to see anything else. MON(A)cHAL 6E (new one for me) and MANHOLe G3 are other good choices.
>Bernard_Gotlieb: EORZ O1 ZERO +51 235
>Joshua_Sokol: ABDEEIL A12 .ADI +42 255
>Bernard_Gotlieb: EITY 14A .EITY +18 253
>Joshua_Sokol: BEEGLRS M1 BEG +25 280
>Bernard_Gotlieb: CDIO 15E ODIC +26 279
>Joshua_Sokol: AEELRSU I11 .EU +7 287
#note Here's where I start disliking my playing. There isn't much available here though, so (L)EU is OK I guess.
>Bernard_Gotlieb: HO 13C HO +25 304
>Joshua_Sokol: AAEELRS 9C AE +8 295
#note My thinking here was to open up another area to bingo in, because it was possible that Bernard could block a lot of what was near the ARA of ARANEID. I wasn't thinking too straight, as that's near impossible and unlikely. This gives him too many points.
>Bernard_Gotlieb: BDIN 8A BIND +38 342
>Joshua_Sokol: AELMPRS E2 PALMERS +80 375
#note The X is still in the bag. SAMPLER I2 for 10 less points seems like the better option.
>Bernard_Gotlieb: AX F5 AX +54 396
#note Well, all I can say is that at least this is a game.
>Joshua_Sokol: CIOSTUV 4C VO.TI +26 401
#note VOUC(H) here. Didn''t see it at all... COUT(H)S is a good option as well.
>Bernard_Gotlieb: AENT 5J NEAT. +16 412
#note I found this play to be very bizarre.
>Joshua_Sokol: CJLPSTU L4 T.J +20 421
#note I count 3 unseen tiles in the bag here. Three times. This is where this so far great game goes a bit sour. I have a good 12 minutes left to make sure my tracking is spot-on, and do that twice before playing T(A)J, since it didn't seem to change that. It leaves one unseen tile and gets rid of my J. I was planning on sorting the tracking out during Bernard's time.
>Bernard_Gotlieb: GNRW B6 WR.NG +24 436
>Joshua_Sokol: CGLPSSU 3G PLUGS +19 440
#note I see IINOT left, but Bernard has 4 on his rack and nothing is in the bag. We stop the clock to count, and sure enough, a tile is missing. Of course, it's the I, as Bernard reveals to me. We go looking for the missing tile and actually find it. Unfortunately, this changes the entire game for both of us, mostly at Bernard's expense.

>Bernard_Gotlieb: IINOT A3 INTO +10 446
#note I play PLUGS and then silently go batsh*t after seeing his outplay. The perfect outplay, too. Can you find it? He didn't, to my relief. He didn't know it, either, which makes up for not playing it. So yet again I stole a win from Bernard. S(U)LCUS H13 was my play last turn.
>Joshua_Sokol: CS 9K C.S. +14 454
#note S(PI)C G2... oops. Meh, one point.
>Joshua_Sokol: (I) +2 456
Player 2
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