Player 1 |
#player1 Pat_Barrett Pat Barrett
#player2 Jim_Burlant Jim Burlant
>Pat_Barrett: ?EHINTV 8C THrIVEN +82 82
#note Round 17. The three previous times I'd played Pat, I'd drawn the bag on her and then some, and I knew I was due for some payback. At any rate - in case you're counting, this is the fifth time in 17 games that an opponent has hit me with an opening rack bingo.
>Jim_Burlant: AADLNOR D8 .ADRON +20 20
#note Nothing really good available, and this is best. 20% to win.
>Pat_Barrett: EFGI 10B FI.GE +20 102
>Jim_Burlant: AAIJLLX C12 JAIL +35 55
>Pat_Barrett: BEGIILR 7H BILGIER +69 171
#note Only bingo for Pat, and she's 89% to win.
>Jim_Burlant: ABDGLOX 15A BO.D +27 82
#note Q says I should hold the B and unload the G. I dunno - whatever you choose, my options are bleak. This is not quite 7% to win.
>Pat_Barrett: CEEHIOR 6B CHEERIO +75 246
>Jim_Burlant: AAGLPUX C2 LAUG. +18 100
#note Bit of a miss here - blinded to what should have been the obvious PAX by the presence of the AAGU. The other thing against PAX is that it doesn't open up lines, and I need the board to stay alive if I'm going to pull off the miracle and make a game of it like Pat did in our first matchup. I hit the X on the next turn.
>Pat_Barrett: NTW 3B W.NT +7 253
>Jim_Burlant: AAMOPQX 5E MAX +43 143
#note Since she just blocked my Q dump, the play is to cash the X. Still theoretically alive at 0.68% winning chances. Q gives slight preference to POX - with the board position being indistinguishable between the plays, I guess the duck thinks AAMQ is a better leave than AOPQ?
>Pat_Barrett: MY 6L MY +16 269
>Jim_Burlant: AOPQTUU 5J QUA +29 172
#note Wow, I've doubled my winning chances - watch out, I'm up to 1.4% to win!
>Pat_Barrett: ARSTY 9I STRAY +17 286
>Jim_Burlant: NOOPSTU B13 PO. +19 191
#note Quackle thinks M9 YOUPON is best, but that doesn't look so good if we pretend Pat has another S. Best looks to be a 2A play like TOLU or POLO. Still now approaching 2%.
>Pat_Barrett: RST 5J ...RTS +21 307
>Jim_Burlant: DNOSTUW O1 DOWN. +30 221
#note Quackle's suggested play is SWOUND N9. If you don't like or know that (I didn't know that one) 10L DOWN is Q's second chioce to open the 3x3, but Pat won't let that stay open, even if she has to play for cheap just to shut that down. This is the next best chioce I have.
>Pat_Barrett: INV 2L VIN. +14 321
>Jim_Burlant: DKOSTUU -KOUU +0 221
#note Are you kidding me? 7 unseen E's, all those high-prob tiles in the pool and I pick the K and the case U? Best is apparently 12C JOUK, but this actually fares well in the sim despite its not being on the kibbitzer's radar screen. And this did work.
>Pat_Barrett: EF 3M FE. +30 351
>Jim_Burlant: ?DEISTZ 11F DoZIEST +85 306
#note Bingoing is not best here. D1 ZINS should have been the play, though the only difference would have been a few points of spread.
>Pat_Barrett: AEST H11 .ETAS +45 396
>Jim_Burlant: AAEKORU L11 .ROAK +28 334
#note Just moving tiles to end the game at this point.
>Pat_Barrett: ELP 15L .ELP +30 426
>Jim_Burlant: AEEEIU 2B A.EE +22 356
#note Right play, wrong order. ETUI 13G was the play to set this up as an out on the next turn.
>Pat_Barrett: CNOOU 13J CO.N +12 438
>Jim_Burlant: EIU 12C ..E +10 366
>Pat_Barrett: OU 13F OU. +4 442
>Pat_Barrett: (IU) +4 446