Game Details
Player 1
#player1 magra magra
#player2 trainrec trainrec
>magra: ACEFMNT 8D FACET +28 28
>trainrec: IQ 7C QI +26 26
>magra: ?EMNRTU 6D REMoUNT +72 100
>trainrec: OP 7F OP +21 47
>magra: AEIOOUU -AIOOUU +0 100
>trainrec: ADIIO 5I OIDIA +16 63
>magra: ACDEGOU M3 GU.CO +18 118
#note goa for a point because of the defense. sure, why not.
>trainrec: ELMRTY L7 MYRTLE +34 97
>magra: ADEILOW 4D WAILED +26 144
#note awol wins by a few. seems too volatile to me but the leave is much better.
>trainrec: DIRT 9G DIRT +18 115
>magra: ILOSVXZ 4L X. +36 180
>trainrec: JN E3 J.N. +22 137
>magra: IILOSVZ 11J ZI.L +26 206
#note bad play, keeping the z is much better. VILLI or VILE do well.
>trainrec: ELSS 8K L.SES +33 170
>magra: ADIOSTV H1 DOV. +24 230
#note such easy points this turn if I had just kept the z
>trainrec: AEERRSU O1 ERASURE. +77 247
>magra: ABINSTW 13I WAIST +36 266
#note I could also play BOW but I have a hard time believing eric woudn't react very defensively thereafter
>trainrec: ?AEEFNU 1A UNFEArE. +86 333
>magra: BGHNNOY 2G H.NG +17 283
>trainrec: AEV N6 AV. +24 357
>magra: BEGINOY 14I OY +31 314
#note bey really stands out as a nice play, setting up a good second lane. my play pretty much always loses. this was an extremely weak effort. YE at 9C (which I saw) and OBEY also all sim well.
>trainrec: AHIKNOT 15D KATION +51 408
>magra: BEEGINO D11 BOIN. +22 336
#note boink is much worse than bee or ogee because eric can block all my outs
>trainrec: ABEHOPR E10 PAH +29 437
#note opah is best.
>magra: EEG 9B GEE +12 348
>magra: (BEOR) +12 360
Player 2
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