Game Details
Player 1
#player1 whatnoloan whatnoloan
#player2 Dielle_Saldanha Dielle Saldanha
>whatnoloan: EGJRRTT -GJRT +0 0
>Dielle_Saldanha: AGKU 8E KAGU +18 18
>whatnoloan: ACEORST I2 RECOATS +71 71
#note Hah, this is a similar play to my TENOURS in my last game with Dielle. Going to close the board by making a right angle, and opening up column H because this makes the board easier to close down.
>Dielle_Saldanha: BDLN F6 BL.ND +18 36
>whatnoloan: ?AAEHNR 4G AR.HAEoN +76 147
>Dielle_Saldanha: EEINOTT 2E TENO.ITE +62 98
>whatnoloan: ABEGLNU 1F BUG +33 180
#note Hm so left row 1 plays actually score less on average than right row 1 plays, or at least that seems deducible from Quackle's details, which say that Dielle's average score after BUG is slightly higher than after BUNG. The standard deviation after BUG is higher than after BUNG, which I understood at the time of making this play. The crux of this is that it's harder to get plays that say put a high-scoring tiles at H1 than at L1, but when you do you get a bigger score. So BUNG and BUG are probably pretty similar because BUG has a smaller entropy than BUNG, while BUNG has the better equity.
>Dielle_Saldanha: AFIW 1L WAIF +51 149
>whatnoloan: AAEILNS E8 .AIL +21 201
#note LA looks more mistake-prone than KAIL/KAIN so I should play that.
>Dielle_Saldanha: JOT 3M JOT +38 187
>whatnoloan: AENORST D9 TREASON +75 276
>Dielle_Saldanha: DDEEIRS J4 .ID +20 207
#note This was Dielle's actual rack. We talked about the play for a bit after the game. Any comments? Looks good to me.
>whatnoloan: CEILMTY C11 CLIME +35 311
>Dielle_Saldanha: Q 13B Q.. +12 219
>whatnoloan: ?NOTUVY 15A OV.. +21 332
>Dielle_Saldanha: DEELRSY 5L LYE +23 242
#note Also Dielle's actual rack.
>whatnoloan: ?DNTUVY K6 DUVeTYN +81 413
>Dielle_Saldanha: DEEGHRS 13G HEDGERS +100 342
>whatnoloan: EIINORS 12H OI +9 422
#note First I wanted to play SIRONISE#. Then I looked at VIREO 8K vs OI 12H. I liked this better because it did well against openings by her and also blocked plays on row H (though I chiefly considered Z plays during the game, and there aren't many of those). I still feel fine about this play, mainly because there aren't a tone of plays she can get to the V.
>Dielle_Saldanha: IX 14F XI +30 372
>whatnoloan: EIIMNRS 15F IMINE +38 460
#note Well I thought about RIMINESS/MIRINESS but I was not sure of the validity of either, and this seemed like a great alternative, scoring, blocking a great scoring spot and keeping a good RS leave. I wasn't ready to risk the uncertainty when this was available.
>Dielle_Saldanha: AOPR 8K .APOR +33 405
>whatnoloan: FOPRSWZ 11I FR. +16 476
#note I noticed that F(e)W would be better after the game. I noticed that ORZOS was available while I was in bed (can't remember if it was waking or sleeping) the next day. ORZOS is the stupidest word to see. I think I even sort of thought of FORZOS as a combination of + Mallory Forza, former classmate. No real words though. No real words.
>Dielle_Saldanha: AEEU 10J E. +8 413
>whatnoloan: OPSWZ N7 Z.OS +15 491
>Dielle_Saldanha: AEU L12 U.EA +14 427
>Dielle_Saldanha: (PW) +14 441
Player 2
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