Game Details
Player 1
#player1 whatnoloan whatnoloan
#player2 Ron_Howard Ron Howard
>whatnoloan: DENNPTW 8G WEND +16 16
>Ron_Howard: ?AEEGST H8 .AGErEST +74 74
>whatnoloan: AHNOPTT 11E PHA.TON +48 64
>Ron_Howard: ADEX 12H .AXED +37 111
>whatnoloan: CDKLTVY 13G L.VY +38 102
>Ron_Howard: AAB 10J BAA +36 147
>whatnoloan: CDEFKNT -CDFKT +0 102
#note There's just nothing worth playing here, so I exchanged, There are a few things you can keep here. I didn't see the point of keeping a consonant heavy leave on this board, so I went with EN to turn over more tiles for the ?SSS left and keep a combination that has good synergy with the available D and T.
>Ron_Howard: ABHIORY 15F BO.HYRIA +67 214
>Ron_Howard: ABHIORY -- -67 147
>whatnoloan: EEENRTU J1 NEUTERE. +63 165
>Ron_Howard: ABHIORY 1F BRAI.Y +33 180
>whatnoloan: EEFLRSU M5 REFUELS +71 236
>Ron_Howard: AHOQT 3I Q.OTHA +56 236
>whatnoloan: FKLLMRS 8L F.LL +33 269
>Ron_Howard: DEOR N2 O.RED +29 265
>whatnoloan: GKMNRSZ 5I Z.K +32 301
>Ron_Howard: OOW 10D WOO +19 284
>whatnoloan: AGMNRSU 1M ARM +22 323
#note There are a few good plays here. UM O1, MAGUS/GAUMS/MURAS 12A and my ARM are all worth a look. Of the 12A plays, MURAS seems correct because there are so many Is left in the pool. I didn't like it though, because of the scoring opportunities it gave up. Between ARM and UM, I don't really have a good reason for my choice. I guess I liked the vowel/consonant balance but that doesn't make too much sense here, especially since I have to keep the U.
>Ron_Howard: I 2N .I +6 290
>whatnoloan: ?GIINSU 15H .IsSUING +77 400
#note I wasn't quite positive of this, but I liked it better than lINGUIST, especially after the fishing play, so I went for it.
>Ron_Howard: DI - +0 290
#note I was relieved at the challenge computer.
>whatnoloan: EIIOOOR 2B OORIE +20 420
>Ron_Howard: DI D2 .ID +8 298
>whatnoloan: ACCGIOT C2 .TIC +19 439
#note What was I thinking here? I wanted to block something, but there's not much to block. Just play CIGAR.
>Ron_Howard: INPST 12B PINTS +25 323
>whatnoloan: ACGJMOV C11 J.G +22 461
#note VIG C11 is correct here, as it sets up JAM/VIGA. Ron also said he wouldn't have challenged MEAGEREST*.
>Ron_Howard: EINU 5A NI.E +11 334
>whatnoloan: ACMOV B4 V.M +21 482
#note CWM G7.
>Ron_Howard: U 6A U. +6 340
>Ron_Howard: (ACO) +10 350
Player 2
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