Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Carl Carl
#player2 Chris_G Chris G
>Carl: AKY 8G KAY +20 20
>Chris_G: ?ACDGIQ 9F QI +19 19
#note I considered sim-winner QAID 9E, which seemed too easy to parallel. I suppose QI also gives up a lot if he has an I. (-5)
>Carl: AILORSV H2 VARIOL.S +74 94
>Chris_G: ?ACDEGS J2 CADGErS +79 98
>Carl: FI 10F IF +30 124
>Chris_G: ILNSUWW -UWW +0 98
#note This one cost me dearly. I dithered between WILING 5E (sim-winner) and the exchange. I felt that I might hit row 5 harder after trading. (-7?)
>Carl: EPZ G3 ZEP +51 175
>Chris_G: EEILNNS 5J .EN +8 106
#note DEN sims best, as it keeps the 2x2 open. (-4)
>Carl: JU L3 JU. +20 195
>Chris_G: EILNPSU 11G SPINULE +79 185
>Carl: FNO M2 FON +32 227
>Chris_G: EEIIOVY L8 VOI.E +24 209
>Carl: HLOX H11 .HLOX +63 290
>Chris_G: EEIMNUY N1 NEE +26 235
#note I was pretty happy with this play. It scores decently, and stops Chris from making a big play there. Additionally, I will sometimes draw into 60-point AMYL or EMYD. Nonetheless, the more straightforward EMEU M12 sims a little ahead. (-2?)
>Carl: AD O1 AD +22 312
>Chris_G: AEIMOUY -AIOUY +0 235
#note All of Quackle's options devalue or block rows 13-15 (ONIUM, AMU, AYE, ANOMY). I feel like I need to bingo to win, and it's game over after any of these plays. (-13?)
>Carl: CEGNR 14G C.NGER +13 325
>Chris_G: ?AEEMRW 4C WEAR.. +18 253
#note Again, all of Quackle's choices (WAY I6, 15L EWER, 15K MEW) restrict the board, pre-empting my comeback. All Chris needs to do is block at 9K and it's game over. My play keeps two lanes open-- Chris can't block both. (-6?)
>Carl: BRY E2 BR.Y +18 343
>Chris_G: ?BEGIMT C3 T.IG +16 269
#note BEWIG seemed fine until I noticed that no Ts had been played yet.
>Carl: DIRT E10 DIRT +17 360
>Chris_G: ?ABEMMR 8L .ERB +27 296
#note 12A EMBAR wins the sim. That looks like a recipe for disaster, as Chris can easily score and block those lanes. (-3.5?)
>Carl: NOSUW N11 SWOUN +26 386
>Chris_G: ?AADMMT 10J AM.D +20 316
#note I thought about MA O14, but the D seemed like a liability, often forcing my blank to be an E. (-1?)
>Carl: ILOT D11 TOIL +16 402
>Chris_G: ?AAAIMT B6 AMAnITA +67 383
#note I thought about fishing, but couldn't see any scenarios where it wins. Quackle plays AG 6B, but it's wrong: all five of Chris's possible racks have a way to win. (-29? No way.)
>Carl: EEHOTTU A8 HUT +36 438
>Chris_G: O 2E .O +6 389
>Chris_G: (EEOT) +8 397
Player 2
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