Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Darrell_Day Darrell Day
#player2 Jim_Burlant Jim Burlant
>Darrell_Day: AEG 8H AGE +8 8
>Jim_Burlant: FIJNPQU J4 FIQU. +37 37
#note Best, but Q also liks PIQUE quite a bit.
>Darrell_Day: OY 4J .OY +18 26
>Jim_Burlant: IIIJNPT G6 TIPI +15 52
#note Best - 52% to win in a short sim. Nothing else worth consideration.
>Darrell_Day: AEEORSV 10C OVERSEA +69 95
>Jim_Burlant: ?AIJNTV C9 J.INT +40 92
#note Best- Q also likes 9A TAJ, which I don't. 53% to win in a short sim.
>Darrell_Day: AMPR 5H PR.MA +31 126
>Jim_Burlant: ?AGNRUV 6L GUV +22 114
#note The only 8 in this set of letters is VANGUARD, and I never saw it - not that it matters, as it doesn't play here. I considered E6 VAGUER but thought it made the board too easy for him to defend and it also blew the rack apart for nothing. VANG 12A was a consideration, but I thought it both gave back too much and was too easy for him to defend. Not to mention leave considerations. With this, if he doesn't have an S or a play using a blank S, he can't defend it. It scores almost as well as VANG, and this is the best possible leave available in this position. Q agrees - this is best. 53% to win.
>Darrell_Day: HNOR E7 HON.R +16 142
#note Darrell spent a LONG time here.
>Jim_Burlant: ?AIMNRU D2 URANIsM +83 197
#note Definitely better to play down the D column than at O1, as there are too many easy combacks at O8 if he has an S. I really auto-piloted this and didn't look hard enough for URANIUM or CRANIUM for the extra scoreboard point.
>Darrell_Day: ?ADELNY - +0 142
#note Opponent mistakes are one form of luck you need to do well in tournaments, and I caught a huge break here. Had I played CRANIUM or URANIUM or whatever else, Darrell would have not thought twice and just plunked down his bingo at 11I. Instead, he lost the turn challenging, which was the critical moment in this game. UNPLAYED M6 wins 53%; needlessly losing his turn here wins 30.
>Jim_Burlant: CDEEETX H10 .XCEED +57 254
#note This is a very easy mistake to make; how often do you look for a better play once you see you've got a 57-point X play available? This is second best, but still - no excuses for missing EXCRETED through the R in URANISM.
>Darrell_Day: ?ADELNY 14G L.ADENlY +80 222
#note Best bingo for Darrell, who's back to 17% winning chances.
>Jim_Burlant: AAEKLTU 12H .AULK +22 276
#note Decent, but not best. AKELA C3 scores 40. I only saw the 6, AUKLET (it doesn't play), and passed on 12A KUNA.
>Darrell_Day: AOZ C3 AZO +41 263
>Jim_Burlant: AEGLTTW B1 TAW +18 294
#note Started spending a long time on these positions. Q likes E2 TEG - I didn't want to give him the possbilitiy of AWARE down the A column, even if there was only one A left in the pool. 12A WANT threatened too much back. Given these options, I'm fine with this choice.
>Darrell_Day: BIS O6 SIB +23 286
>Jim_Burlant: EGILNTW N10 WETL. +19 313
#note The 7 doesn't play and knowing Darrell and his defensive tendencies, I'm not playing for the bingo. This is terrible statically, but it immediately vaults to the top of the sim. F1 TWINGE also sims well but I'm not giving him an easy shot at row 1.
>Darrell_Day: CHLR M5 L.RCH +25 311
>Jim_Burlant: EFGINRT A1 IF +26 339
#note Best play. EF wins roughly 2% less often and sims 2 points down. I chose this specifically because I wanted to play TEG E2 on the next turn.
>Darrell_Day: DDENO 15F NO.DED +20 331
>Jim_Burlant: BEEGNRT E2 TEG +26 365
#note Q wants me to build the bingo rack that won't play by playing K11 BLEED. I wanted to distance Darrell, and this accomplishes that just fine.
>Darrell_Day: OOS 12B O.OS +17 348
>Jim_Burlant: ABEENRT K8 REBE. +22 387
>Darrell_Day: EIIOS 9I OS. +27 375
#note Darrell did this to block my TANK L9 out.
>Jim_Burlant: ANT B5 TAN +8 395
>Jim_Burlant: (EII) +6 401
#note Mostly happy with how I played this one - turns 1 - 5, 8 - 13 were on target from my perspective. A bit concerned that I never bothered to look at the whole board to see if there was a better play available than EXCEED...and it's clearly time to review the 5's since I never even saw AKELA in my rack on turn 6. But overall, if I get 11 of 13 turns right, provided the other two aren't complete blunders I'm going to win most games playing like this.
Player 2
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