Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Will Will
#player2 Larry Larry
>Will: AIISTUY -IUY +0 0
>Larry: ELZ 8F LEZ +24 24
>Will: AIIRRST G2 RARITI.S +61 61
>Larry: OO H8 .OO +14 38
>Will: DEKNOWX H1 KEX +53 114
>Larry: ERTV I2 VERT +25 63
>Will: DNNOOPW 11E DOWN +29 143
#note Sorely tempted to try DOWNPO(I)N(T)*.
>Larry: IQ F5 QI +28 91
>Will: ABEFNOP 10D FOB +27 170
>Larry: ?CELORS 12G ESCOLaR +88 179
>Will: ADENPTT 13B PANTED +31 201
#note Preferred this to D10 FATTED, and certainly PATTED in the same spot to avoid the S hook. TAPED/PATED sim better too but it seems like it would be easier to underlap them for big points on row 14.
>Larry: AELL J3 LEAL +21 200
>Will: AADEETT K4 TEA +17 218
>Larry: AGIINNS 14G SAINING +68 268
>Will: AADEGPT L1 PAGE +28 246
#note Somehow didn't consider GAPPED which I like better.
>Larry: IMV 14A VIM +28 296
>Will: ?AADINT 1L .AID +21 267
>Larry: BRU 3L .RUB +14 310
>Will: ?AINTUY 9C YIN +19 286
#note Feeling like I need to get something going on the left side of the board. Doesn't sim horribly which is good enough for me. Edit: I should add that I was expecting a play coming down from the B at O3 to effectively end the game unless I had more legitimate threats on the board.
>Larry: AJM 11J JAM +40 350
>Will: ?ADETUU 8A UTA +14 300
#note Most of these U fishes accomplish nothing.
>Larry: EF 7B EF +24 374
>Will: ?DEOORU 15M OUD +15 315
#note These last few plays all felt suboptimal, but it doesn't seem like there were standout plays to be made.
>Larry: GOW 6B WOG +39 413
>Will: ?CEIORS O3 .RICOlES +86 401
#note Playing off one tile won't win.
>Larry: EEHHNTU N9 HEH +20 433
>Will: Y H14 .Y +15 416
>Will: (ENTU) +8 424
Player 2
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