Player 1 |
#player1 Brendan_Sullivan Brendan Sullivan
#player2 Linda_Hoggatt Linda Hoggatt
>Brendan_Sullivan: DEIJKPS 8D PIKED +30 30
>Linda_Hoggatt: ENOP 7G PONE +20 20
>Brendan_Sullivan: ?DEJLNS J6 J.ED +28 58
>Linda_Hoggatt: AQT 6F QAT +41 61
>Brendan_Sullivan: ?ELNORS C2 mERLONS +77 135
#note Maybe cORNELS is a little more defensive. Whatever.
>Linda_Hoggatt: ?DEIOOT 2A DE.OTIOn +68 129
#note K6 OSTEOID for 84 is a tricky overlap.
>Brendan_Sullivan: BEEFLMU 1G BUMF +40 175
#note BLUME and UMBEL are good moves, too.
>Linda_Hoggatt: ORWY 4A WO.RY +30 159
>Brendan_Sullivan: BEEEGLN K8 LEBEN +19 194
#note I should have taken B6 BE, my first choice, but then I got "nervous" about a bingo reply. I can't think that way. If I could do it again, I'd see and play PLEBE.
>Linda_Hoggatt: CINRUV 11E INCURV. +24 183
>Brendan_Sullivan: AEEGISS 13G AEGISES +80 274
>Linda_Hoggatt: AEIORTV M6 VOTARIE. +63 246
>Brendan_Sullivan: AAAADHW 1A AW +29 303
#note Tough leave, but it makes sense to play it.
>Linda_Hoggatt: LY J1 .LY +11 257
>Brendan_Sullivan: AAADHOO A4 .AHOO +33 336
>Linda_Hoggatt: AX 9F AX +44 301
>Brendan_Sullivan: AADNTTU 12A DAUNT +18 354
#note YAUD is better.
>Linda_Hoggatt: GHIIN A10 HI.ING +33 334
>Brendan_Sullivan: AAEEMRT 13C MA +18 372
#note Only 8J ELATER sims better. But it probably loses to replies of LITURGIC or SCURRILE. Not that I saw this play or those responses over the board...
>Linda_Hoggatt: GLRS H10 L.G.RS +27 361
#note Take a minute to look at this endgame before you proceed.
>Brendan_Sullivan: AEEIRTU 10A .UE +8 380
#note I botched this. Perfect play from here leads to only a 3 point win for me. Luckily Linda did not play perfectly. I was so worried about blocking 10C FIZ that I didn't even notice the TAX/ZAX hook! Pathetic.
>Linda_Hoggatt: CFITZ 15H .IC +5 366
#note Strange move from her... gives me a chance to block the 9E spot.
>Brendan_Sullivan: AEIRT 5C .EA +18 398
#note Alas, I still wasn't seeing it. Also missed GAITER, an outplay.
>Linda_Hoggatt: FTZ E7 Z.T +22 388
>Brendan_Sullivan: IRT 15A .RIT +6 404
#note Sloppy finish, but a win nonetheless.
>Brendan_Sullivan: (F) +8 412