Player 1 |
#player1 Scott Scott
#player2 Mack Mack
>Scott: AHOY 8G HOYA +20 20
>Mack: EHIIJNW 9E WHINE +27 27
>Scott: ADO 10F ADO +23 43
>Mack: EJO 11E JOE +34 61
#note I don't remember the rest of my rack here.
>Scott: ACDNU 7C ADUNC +26 69
>Mack: IIMNTVZ 8A VIM +28 89
#note I considered ZIT and ZIN in the same spot, but I felt the 10-point sacrifice was justified by the superiority of the leave after VIM. Quackle concurs; VIM sims about 3 points ahead of ZIT, and 5 ahead of ZIN.
>Scott: BLLU 7J BULL +11 80
>Mack: IINOTTZ 6A ZITI +23 112
>Scott: AANO 5D ANOA +12 92
>Mack: ?NORSTU 4D SaNTOUR +79 191
>Scott: ?ABEOSW 12G SOWABlE +86 178
>Mack: AELNTUX 13M XU +36 227
>Scott: AGNRY L3 GNAR.Y +28 206
>Mack: AEILNTT 11J TAEL +29 256
>Scott: FFIM 10L MIFF +35 241
>Mack: EEIIINT O7 NEI. +21 277
#note I thought about exchanging, but I wanted to pull ahead by as much as possible. Also, exchanging allows Scott to play down column O for at least 30-40 points, after which he will have a significant advantage. Quackle agrees, with NEIF winning 59% of the time, and its nearest competitor winning only 53%.
>Scott: EEEE -EEEE +0 241
>Mack: EEIIPRT A8 .IPER +11 288
#note At this point, it is likely that Scott will need to bingo in order to catch up. Although VIPER is terrible equity-wise, the only legitimate bingo lanes left are the V and the I. I figured blocking the only remaining lanes would be best, as a 47-point lead in the position after VIPER seems extremely difficult to overcome. Quackle suggests PERI J2 as the optimal choice; however, if Scott bingoes from the V, I am in huge trouble. I also considered VIE in the same spot, but didn't want to allow a 30+ point comeback down the B column. Though the potential of VIPERINE would definitely be a significant deterrant, no N's remain in the pool so VIPERINE is not a possibility.
>Scott: DEE 13H DEE +17 258
>Mack: EGIORTT 12A .ETRO +19 307
#note I thought there was no good way to block row 14, but I overlookeg JOG E11. Although Quackle ranks GOER M2 the highest, I think JOG is certainly best.
>Scott: EKT H1 KET. +24 282
#note Very effective play by Scott, as there are now two excellent bingo lanes. As the two lanes are on opposite sides of the board, I can only block one.
>Mack: CDGGISV 14F VIS +18 325
#note Although the leave is atrocious, I felt it was much easier for Scott to bingo on row 14 and opted to block it. I figured a 43-point lead would be enough unless Scott bingoes, in which case I am sunk. Quackle suggests VID 14G; however, if Scott has the other S, he will probably win, maybe even without a bingo. I think closing row 14 is best; however, I probably should have played IGGS to preserve a superior leave.
>Scott: AEOQRRS M2 ROAR +18 300
>Mack: CDEGGPT B3 CED. +7 332
#note I thought I was Q-sticking him with this play, and overlooked his setup. I considered PEGGED D2, but I actually end up losing in that case. Since the only place for my C will be CAR/CART 5K, Scott can play LAR K5, after which my best play is JOT E11. After JOT, the score would be 350-306 in my favor; then, Scott can play GOES 3L, setting up an unblockable QIS for 36. Ultimately, Scott will win, 353-350. I can, however, win by first playing CART 5K, after which Scott must block PEGGED. As I am up 37 and have many good places to play off tiles, such as PED N1, Scott will be unable to catch up. Quackle mentions some other winning options, such as PETARD 5I, which I overlooked. Although Scott can play TEL C12 setting up an unblockable QIS for 40, I will be able to outrun him by playing 2H EGG. After QIS, I will win, 358-352. Although he can C-stick me after EGG, he will not be able to accumulate enough points with his remaining tiles. Another win is PEC N4, after which TEL will again fall short for Scott. If I play EGG 2H after he plays TEL, I will win, 355-352. Also, simply playing EGG 2H will also win, as I will be able to block the TEL setup; if he dumps the Q with QI B5, N4 PEC will be enough to outrun him. Finally, simply blocking QI B5 with a play that retains the E, such as TI, will likely win as I will be able to block any setup attempt. As he will be unable to unload the Q, I will win. Basically, in order to win, I need to either score enough to outrun his TEL setup or preserve my E so that I can block his setup. If I unload my E and don't score enough, his TEL setup will be unblockable and I will lose.
>Scott: EILQS C12 .EL +6 306
#note Very nice play by Scott; I am unable to block QIS. TEL and TELS are his only winning moves; TEL gets him 2 more spread points.
>Mack: GGPT 5K P..T +12 344
>Scott: IQS 15A QIS +40 346
>Scott: (GG) +8 354