Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Danny_Panganiban Danny Panganiban
#player2 Matthew_Larocque Matthew Larocque
>Danny_Panganiban: AK 8G KA +12 12
#note Okay, so this is that token game each tournament where I bomb when I should have won, and the only reason it's even in quackle is for the sake of completion. Generally I just try to cruise by on luck, but sometimes my inept decisions (or lack of an ability to make a decision) are my undoing.
>Matthew_Larocque: EILOTUX I5 LUXE +26 26
#note This was an akward start, but this play seemed to score okay and minimize what he could do in return....the sim is going for I6 OUTLIE to create the X hotspot. I try to look for plays like that, but couldn't see it here. 9H XU sims okay too, which I strongly considered.
>Danny_Panganiban: IS J7 IS +19 31
#note Okay, I won't my hold breath for any esses this game.
>Matthew_Larocque: EIIOPRT 6I .PO +22 48
#note Didn't catch TIP(IS), 9F OI for the P hook.
>Danny_Panganiban: ?ACDIOR 9B CORDIAl +69 100
>Matthew_Larocque: EGIIORT D8 G.IOT +16 64
#note This seemed so meh, but there really isn't much to chose from here.
>Danny_Panganiban: AF E11 FA +22 122
>Matthew_Larocque: EEHIOR 5K HOE +22 86
#note Partial rack, either way I had (C)HEERO or (C)HEERIO but I didn't know those were valid.
>Danny_Panganiban: UUU -UUU +0 122
>Matthew_Larocque: ACEEIRU H1 CURIE +26 112
#note Scoring is kind of hard so far, so I'll take what I can get.
>Danny_Panganiban: EF 10F FE +33 155
>Matthew_Larocque: AEHIORT N1 HETARIO +81 193
>Matthew_Larocque: AEHIORT -- -81 112
#note Meltdown: Engage. I actually did think there was a word spelled something like this, but different from HETAIRA or HETAERA. But after I made the play I was thinking "Yeah.... I'm losing my turn...should have just went with (C)HARIOT like a normal person would." Oh, and THIO(U)REA which I don't know at all because how many eights do I know? A(C)HIOTE/(C)HOREA are also new to me.
>Danny_Panganiban: APW 4L WAP +28 183
>Matthew_Larocque: AEHIORT B9 .HARIOT +40 152
#note Sigh....a chemical compound.
>Danny_Panganiban: ?DEEMNU 3C NUMbE.ED +74 257
#note Danny's only bingo, actually. Now I'm kind of screwed unless Danny can somehow out-meltdown me.
>Matthew_Larocque: ABEIVYZ A12 ABYE +48 200
#note There's 5 sevens that contain VIZ including a completely new word to me - VIZSLAS.
>Danny_Panganiban: NOO 3M NOO +16 273
>Matthew_Larocque: BIQSUVZ 13A ..Z +28 228
#note I actually opted to not play Q(U)IZ here because I figured I needed to score more than 44 for Q + Z or something. I forgot SQUIB was a word though. BIZ F12 seems likely to hurt me.
>Danny_Panganiban: ASV O1 AV.S +34 307
>Matthew_Larocque: ABIQSUV 4A QUASI +58 286
#note Just what I needed since I missed SQUIB before.
>Danny_Panganiban: EGR B4 .RGE +9 316
#note Danny really worried about (Q)AIDS/(Q)ADIS?
>Matthew_Larocque: BIINTVY 5E BY +28 314
#note Dunno if I can keep scoring with this leave....
>Danny_Panganiban: ART A6 ART +14 330
>Matthew_Larocque: EIINTTV 1L VIT. +11 325
#note All of a sudden the game has started getting super tense, but I'm not prepared for it! Praying for a quick bingo before Danny can block.
>Danny_Panganiban: JO F1 JO. +11 341
>Matthew_Larocque: DEIINNT J2 I. +5 330
#note Duplicates always crash the party when I start fishing :/ I'm already out of time and I decide to keep the extra N for DENTINE since I have no other ideas.
>Danny_Panganiban: N L4 ..N +12 353
>Matthew_Larocque: DEIMNNT 7A ..M +8 338
#note Danny doesn't block, but I didn't get my bingo. Try again! I'm actually not even that far behind though, I could play MEND F12 and hope he has no vowels or something. Oh except I'm in overtime here..... nevermind.
>Danny_Panganiban: LL E11 ..LL +7 360
>Matthew_Larocque: DEEINNT 14E .INNETED +63 401
>Matthew_Larocque: DEEINNT -- -63 338
#note Draw DENTINE, now Danny blocks. Surprise. LINNET is a song bird so obviously this a pretty stupid phony. Danny knows my rack now so he's certainly not gonna let me bingo. At this point I recall my timer being at -1:52.
>Danny_Panganiban: DEESTW 15E STEWED +38 398
#note Holy what the hell. Now I was freaking out because if I can get my bingo down in 8 seconds I'll win the game 100%. But since I had no time at all to pre-count the score, there's no way I can get the letters down and add it up in that amount of time. So I just play it and hope I eke out a victory.....
>Matthew_Larocque: DEEINNT 14I DENTINE +78 416
>Matthew_Larocque: (GLNR) +10 426
#note Danny forgot to add a play to his score, so he had me winning by a small margin. We ended up recounting and I had 396 after -30, he had 397 although that's still incorrect. What a shame! Danny made a huge error but my slowness was an even bigger error so I lost. Next game: High scoring phony words that I don't challenge off.
Player 2
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