Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Evans_Clinchy Evans Clinchy
#player2 Robin_Pollock_Daniel Robin Pollock Daniel
>Evans_Clinchy: ?DIORSW 8B DOWRIeS +78 78
>Robin_Pollock_Daniel: AHIO 7F OHIA +24 24
>Evans_Clinchy: AGIOTTU 7A TOGA +20 98
#note Quackle prefers wide-open plays like AGOUTI 6I, but I like this. I'm up by 74 early, and she's unlikely to bingo on this board... and if she does, it'll offer me counterplays in a TWS lane.
>Robin_Pollock_Daniel: AY 6B YA +32 56
>Evans_Clinchy: CEIIITU -IIIU +0 98
#note Supposed to keep one of those I's. Shoulda been obvious to me, wasn't thinking.
>Robin_Pollock_Daniel: CFIU 6I FUCI +16 72
>Evans_Clinchy: CENNTUX L3 XEN.C +28 126
#note Not great defensively, but still appears best.
>Robin_Pollock_Daniel: AAN 2L ANA +21 93
>Evans_Clinchy: ADENPTU A1 UNADEP. +44 170
>Robin_Pollock_Daniel: EIKLORS 4E ROSELIK. +63 156
>Evans_Clinchy: DINTTTW H1 WIT.D +27 197
>Robin_Pollock_Daniel: FGL F2 FL.G +16 172
>Evans_Clinchy: EEENOTT B1 TEE +14 211
>Robin_Pollock_Daniel: EHIMPRU 1M UMP +27 199
>Evans_Clinchy: DEJNOOT E1 JO +14 225
#note JN(ANA) was a miss. D'oh.
>Robin_Pollock_Daniel: RY 7L .RY +9 208
>Evans_Clinchy: DENOTV E8 .OVED +18 243
#note ROVED sims best, but I don't love it. Beginning to struggle a little bit with time here. Probably should have looked harder to score without opening anything. Maybe if I took a few seconds more, I'd have thought of ENVY.
>Robin_Pollock_Daniel: BEEH D11 HEBE +29 237
>Evans_Clinchy: AAENTTT C12 TA +16 259
>Robin_Pollock_Daniel: EZ 14B ZE. +27 264
>Evans_Clinchy: AEENOTT 8M EAT +16 275
>Robin_Pollock_Daniel: IQ 9L QI +16 280
>Evans_Clinchy: BENNOTU L9 .UOTE +28 303
#note Had a pretty heated debate about this position with a few people. I thought QUOTE was clearly right -- for one thing, I need points since I'm behind now, and for another, it manages bingo lines. If she bingos in line 14, I get a counterplay in line 15, and I might score enough to stay ahead even without bingoing. If she has a bingo after REIN/NUB, it's likely a seven ending in S making REINS, and the board looks kinda hopeless after that. Quackle says I'm wrong though. After QUOTE, there's a 49 percent chance of her bingoing and a 5 percent chance of me bingoing back. Oof. That's bad. I should either play NUB or just keep things closed with BUNYA N4.
>Robin_Pollock_Daniel: IILMNOR 12G MIRLI.ON +61 341
>Evans_Clinchy: BINNRSV 14J VIS +29 332
>Robin_Pollock_Daniel: ?AEGLRS 15A GALS +44 385
>Evans_Clinchy: BNNR 10K B.N +9 341
#note Oops, BUNN is a word.
>Robin_Pollock_Daniel: ?ER O10 ERs +12 397
>Robin_Pollock_Daniel: (NR) +4 401
Player 2
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