Player 1 |
#player1 JD JD
#player2 Joel Joel
>JD: DEELRST -D +0 0
#note I stared at this rack for about 4 minutes, probably too long since the difference between best plays is not that huge...if I expect him to exchange in response, EELRST bingoes a lot more than DEERST, so I think I made the right choice.
>Joel: ?EIINTY 8F NImIETY +76 76
>Joel: ?IMOORT 12E ROOMIe.T +74 150
>Joel: AALPZ L1 PLAZA +40 190
>JD: GJNOQUW F6 JU. +53 203
#note trying to draw an A
>Joel: FIU 1L .FUI +27 217
>JD: EGNOQRW I7 Q. +21 224
#note quackle actually likes playing GOWN holding the Q as much as playing QI now. I only bingo 11% of the time next turn after dumping the Q since I'm blocking my own best lane, and if I turn over tiles I might draw QAT for 45.
>Joel: ADEI H11 A.IDE +24 241
>Joel: AAGO E9 AGO.A +12 253
#note joel seemed disgusted by this play and the last
>Joel: BDEILOS 4A BODILE.S +80 333
#note I held for a little bit, haven't seen this word in a while
>JD: CEHIRRR A4 .IRCH +36 338
#note still ~40% to win per quackle
>Joel: FOX G11 F.X +43 376
>JD: AEENORR O8 NEAR +22 360
#note pretty interesting move, I wanted to play here so joel wouldn't wipe me out with a parallel at 8H. but between NEAR, NEARER and ONE I have a hard time choosing. They all sim very close. the A is nice to keep in case I draw the B so I can play at E12. NEARER catches me up a lot but it felt like I would likely need a bingo to pull ahead, and that's the case R.
>Joel: EGV 14D VEG +18 394
>JD: BEIORTU 12D B........ +24 384
#note my first mistake of the game, this play is not very good...the idea s right, I need to slow the game down I think but EIORTU just doesn't hit enough bingoes. solution - I can just play SIB at H4 and then the lanes on row 14 and 15 are more plausible. wish I'd seen that. time trouble was starting to be relevant.
>Joel: EHM H1 HEM. +34 428
#note oh, well, if I'd know that I would hit one of the two tiles I needed I would've been fine with that...but playing SIB would've helped because then I would be much more likely to go out next turn. instead...
>Joel: AAEKLSV A12 KAAS +55 483
#note huh, turns out joel actually blew this endgame. he put down KAAS really fast, but if he plays either VELD this turn or KEAS, he wins...VELD at C1 gives him KAVAS and KAAS to go out next turn for the comfortable win. KAES at A12 leaves outs in two places. instead, this play only leaves outs in one part of the board...
>JD: EINTW 3B NIT +16 475
#note this is 2 points shy of the best endgame. with about 2-3 minutes to look at this position, I did the math a little wrong and thought I needed more points then I actually did - so I dreamed up the NIT - WEE/WE sequence thinking that I could win if he mistracked and just played DEV or something
>Joel: ELV 10I EV. +14 497
#note but unfortunately, after the game I realized immediately that all I had to do was play WIT first and just leave NE at I2 in the same place...3 points better, but his out is one point better...
>JD: EW I2 WE +19 494
#note which means that I was actually supposed to win by 1 point, 499-498. what a fitting end to this trainwreck of a tournament.
>JD: (L) +2 496