Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Stefan_Rau Stefan Rau
#player2 JD JD
>Stefan_Rau: IKO H6 KOI +14 14
#note my encounter with the eventual tourney winner and his seditious vertical openings
>JD: AABCEOU G7 BOA +18 18
>Stefan_Rau: AHI F9 AHI +16 30
>JD: ACEEITU E10 EAU +15 33
#note intriguing, not really sure I get the sim results but ETUI actually sims as well as EAU. ETUI gives up a bunch of extra points but then somehow scores more next turn too? hmmm. I can see why CEIT doesn't do much for me next turn...does the A just work better with the C for column I?
>Stefan_Rau: EMW D12 MEW +24 54
#note bold!
#note might as well amp up the volatility given the big hook on row 15 that I can do nothing about. quackle prefers CUTIE at C8 which is intriguing. I guess ETUI just creates a ton of hot spots that he can really abuse me at? I dunno
>Stefan_Rau: AEIRRST 15A ARTSIER +84 138
>JD: ACEEILT 4I .ELIC +14 58
#note My choice of TELIC doesn't even show up within the top 50 options evidently, but I feel that it has to be a pretty good choice if it allows me to bingo 35% of the time next turn (only TIE at J6 matches that). I really like the board shape after TELIC as well. I saw CEILER but that is a great way to start losing!
>Stefan_Rau: EORVW C9 VOWER +39 177
>Stefan_Rau: IJ H1 JI. +33 210
>JD: GHILOPS 14F HOG +30 163
>Stefan_Rau: AOZ 8A ZOA +48 258
>JD: ILLPSTY J6 PLY +29 192
#note I'm blocking my best lane but I need the points.
>Stefan_Rau: EIOPRST I9 ROPIEST +69 327
>JD: AIILRST 1H .AIL +11 203
#note I picked JAIL so that I wouldn't have to block any of my nice lanes on rows 10-12...but in retrospect I should've left that J open and played PILI because...
>Stefan_Rau: DEFN J10 FEND +38 365
>JD: ?EIRSTU A5 fUR.IEST +67 270
#note of course I draw the tiles necessary for JESUITRY except that I've just chosen to block that line. Jeez. Generally with a huge deficit you have to keep your low-prob but high-scoring lines open in case THIS happens. Lesson learned.
>Stefan_Rau: BDN E2 B.ND +14 379
#note maybe I should just play through, but I didn't really see a good chance to play the Q anytime soon and maybe just maybe if he drew all the junk I could catch him with it?
>Stefan_Rau: DGNU L3 D.NG +6 385
>JD: AALORTU 15I .AU +3 273
#note super super low on time already. not really sure if any of my plays have a chance at all...PELOTA? LOCA? ideas?
>Stefan_Rau: X 13C ..X +21 406
>JD: AFLORTY L3 ....Y +10 283
#note low on time!!! figured I'd take a shot at refloat but just trying not to go over
>Stefan_Rau: ?CEMNOS L9 iNCOMES +77 483
>JD: AFLOQRT G2 Q.T +23 306
#note stefan hesitated enough to let me find my best endgame under time pressure...this is almost optimal even though it doesn't come up under championship player. I should actually start with AT at G4 (waiting on QAT) for 2 extra points.
>Stefan_Rau: NV G13 N.. +4 487
>JD: AFLOR M1 FLO. +24 330
>Stefan_Rau: V - +0 487
>JD: AR 1M .A +5 335
>Stefan_Rau: V - +0 487
>JD: R 1M ..R +18 353
>JD: (V) +8 361
Player 2
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