Player 1 |
#player1 George_Macaulay George Macaulay
#player2 Matthew_Larocque Matthew Larocque
>George_Macaulay: DEIVW 8D WIVED +32 32
>Matthew_Larocque: ILLRRWY 7G WILLY +28 28
#note Saw WIR(I)LY but chickened out since WILLY is probably just as good.
>George_Macaulay: CFL E6 FL.C +9 41
>Matthew_Larocque: IIIORRS J7 .IRI +6 34
#note There isn't much worth playing here, but OIRS seemed like an okay enough leave to play for 6 points here.
>George_Macaulay: ??DRRST C2 DaRTeRS +77 118
#note Playing Macaulay in round 1 was bad enough, but once this came down I knew I was screwed.
>Matthew_Larocque: EINORSZ 10F IRON.ZES +69 103
#note Was a tough call between bingoing or playing the Z off for points. I also forgot about ION(I)ZERS which sets up the L hook (need to gamble at this point). I decided to take 69 points instead of risking crappy draws and not getting a bingo down.
>George_Macaulay: EHOS D1 HOSE +30 148
>Matthew_Larocque: AAEFOUV K10 .OUAVE +36 139
#note Thanks, Z.
>George_Macaulay: ABBDI 15G BABI.D +39 187
>Matthew_Larocque: AAEFGOO B4 OAF +31 170
#note Again, I feel like I need to go all rambo mode at this point.
>George_Macaulay: HNSU A1 HUNS +29 216
#note He said that he thought he had a Collins word ending in H here but restrained himself. I think he said SUNH* but that's phony.
>Matthew_Larocque: AAEGNOT 14J A.O +15 185
#note I looked at the H for a bit and still missed (H)OGAN, also O(V)ATE scores 27.
>George_Macaulay: ENRTU 1D .UNTER +27 243
>Matthew_Larocque: AEGGNTY 14F GAY +20 205
#note I would have played (H)AGGY* if it had not been blocked. George told me after the game that he was pretty sure it was phony though. GAYET(Y) scores 26, I totally forgot that spelling variant. G(U)Y is also an option.
>George_Macaulay: AEILNTU M3 ALUNITE. +70 313
#note Blowout.
>Matthew_Larocque: EEEGNPT L1 PENE +24 229
#note Hahaha what the poop. This is good in Collins, which I assume is why I got away with it. GENE is just as good though....
>George_Macaulay: ADEMN 13C MENAD +31 344
>Matthew_Larocque: AAEGJMT 8M .AJ +30 259
#note 12B JAM is 36 points but I was planning on playing GAM to set up the O hook next turn. *shrugs* Sim says play long with J(U)GATE.
>George_Macaulay: IQT 12J Q.IT +26 370
>Matthew_Larocque: AEGMORT 12B GAM +24 283
#note Not entirely sure what I'm hoping to draw next turn but I'm just saving face anyways.
>George_Macaulay: TX N7 T.X +21 391
>Matthew_Larocque: EIOOPRT A11 TOPOI +32 315
#note Sim wants me to play elsewhere, but then he scores 47 for GECKO.
>George_Macaulay: CEEGKO N11 GECKO +38 429
>Matthew_Larocque: ER 11C RE +12 327
#note RE(QUITE) scores 17.
>Matthew_Larocque: (E) +2 329
#note -10. Maybe I should have passed up my bingo and conserved the S, but I think I did okay with what I drew.