Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Mack Mack
#player2 Will Will
>Mack: ABDEELR 8D BLEARED +76 76
#note If I win and Stefan loses, I win; If I win and Stefan wins, I get second; If I lose, I get 3rd; If I lose and Stefan loses, Mack wins!
>Will: ?ADGINS E5 DiA.INGS +86 86
>Mack: GIOY 12A YOGI. +26 102
>Will: EENRTTW A7 TWENT. +36 122
>Mack: AOV D3 AVO +15 117
>Will: AEEHIMR 7G HAME +37 159
>Mack: OQRTUX 6E .X +24 141
>Mack: OQRTUX -- -24 117
#note Aargh, felt terrible for Mack here...fortunately I caught this and realized what had happened right before he drew tiles. The way this kid keeps his composure through anything is really incredible.
>Will: DEINOOR B8 ONO +16 175
>Mack: OQRTUX 3B QU.RTO +32 149
>Will: DEIRSUU B2 E.UID +38 213
>Mack: IIIII -IIIII +0 149
>Will: ACEORSU 6G ACEROUS +83 296
>Mack: ASZ H1 ZAS +52 201
>Will: AGIIOXY M2 YOGI. +18 314
>Mack: EKN N1 KEN +26 227
>Will: AAEFILX O1 AA +30 344
>Mack: JU 4K JU. +22 249
>Will: EFILLOX F1 IX.LE +32 376
>Mack: EH A1 EH +20 269
>Will: ABDFLOP 13B POD +25 401
>Mack: ETW 14A WET +26 295
>Will: ABEFILS N1 ...AF +29 430
#note Now that I have a hook to IF, I felt better about making this play.
>Mack: EN 15A EN +27 322
>Will: BEIIILS 11E .IB +6 436
#note Look at that pool. Holding the case E and S, I liked my chances of at the very least hitting a heavy scoring play hooking GIB next turn. Still, at this point my chances of a blowout big enough to catch Stefan if he wins a very close game are essentially dead, so I had to hope for Evans to beat him.
>Mack: FIMR O5 FIRM +36 358
>Will: EIILLST 12G ILLITES +70 506
>Mack: ?CPRRTV M9 CRi.P +22 380
>Will: N 2A ..N +8 514
#note Quite the streak, mostly luck-fueled, to finish the tourney off - but Stefan triumphed in his last game to go back-to-back in Premier, an amazing feat. Congrats to him!
>Will: (RTV) +12 526
Player 2
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