Player 1 |
#player1 David_Gibson David Gibson
#player2 Ryan_Fischer Ryan Fischer
>David_Gibson: BCHIR 8D BIRCH +30 30
>Ryan_Fischer: APRSTTY F6 PA.TY +24 24
>David_Gibson: ATX 7C TAX. +25 55
>Ryan_Fischer: DEGLRST 6B GEL +15 39
#note None of the plays above this make any sense. Maybe changing into ERST is okay.
>David_Gibson: ?ADDELR H8 .ERALDeD +89 144
>Ryan_Fischer: DINRSTW 10B WIND. +20 59
>David_Gibson: AEY G13 AYE +18 162
>Ryan_Fischer: AEORRST 6F .RAETORS +62 121
#note PRORATES might be a teeeny bit better.
>David_Gibson: EFINORT L5 F.ONTIER +74 236
>Ryan_Fischer: AJKMNOU C2 JUNK.. +34 155
#note I can't conceive of continuing on a board after UNJAM which is why this sacrifice is necessary.
>David_Gibson: GINVW C9 W.VING +34 270
>Ryan_Fischer: AAEMOSV K2 VAMO.SE +38 193
#note :)
>David_Gibson: ?EIIOPS J8 SInOPIE +63 333
#note Aw, c'mon.
>Ryan_Fischer: ADEEQTU 3F ADEQU.TE +110 303
#note Back in it...sort of.
>David_Gibson: AZ 2F ZA +65 398
#note Haha.
>Ryan_Fischer: FGMNORU 1G FUG +28 331
#note I played FUG 'cause I have the last R. Who knows, it could come in handy. Plus, I slow the game down a tiny bit.
>David_Gibson: ILL F12 ILL +16 414
>Ryan_Fischer: ACMNOOR 2M MOC +18 349
#note COMA surrenders. I don't need to do so just yet. Champ agrees, but suggests MOO. I guess I can at least come back with CONE if I draw an E, saving the C. COMA was a lot of points to pass up, but spread wasn't a concern here.
>David_Gibson: EU O1 E.U +15 429
>Ryan_Fischer: ABENOOR D1 BONE +33 382
>David_Gibson: HIINOST 4H HI +29 458
#note Champ says SHIN.
>Ryan_Fischer: AEOR 11C .OE +20 402
>David_Gibson: INOST 13L SNIT +20 478
>Ryan_Fischer: AR B14 AR +10 412
#note Whoops, missed 2 points. A near-perfect game, an I still lose by 60. That's Gibson for ya.
>Ryan_Fischer: (O) +2 414