Player 1 |
#player1 Jason Jason
#player2 Jeff_Fiszbein Jeff Fiszbein
>Jason: HIINSTU 8G HI +10 10
#note I then remembered opening with HI from a rack of EHIILST when I lost to Jeff our last game, in Waterford.
>Jeff_Fiszbein: LUX 7F LUX +26 26
>Jason: ACINSTU F5 TA.C +16 26
#note Horrible play. Momentarily blanked on the A- front hook to HI. Just can't seem to wrap my brain around it. (L)ATU's best.
>Jeff_Fiszbein: EFN I6 FEN +28 54
>Jason: EINOPSU E3 PIU +14 40
#note Two horrible plays in a row. SOUP at J7 justifies playing the only S.
>Jeff_Fiszbein: DEV 9I DEV +19 73
>Jason: AEGNORS D4 ORANGES +77 117
#note Had to debate between the three spots to put it. Q likes it at J1 more. To me, the extra four points didn't justify the can of worms I was opening by doing that.
>Jeff_Fiszbein: ?EILRRT L4 RETRIaL +71 144
>Jason: CEEKNRU J3 CUKE +19 136
#note Missed E(E)K at J8. Stupid new threes.
>Jeff_Fiszbein: ABN 8A BAN. +21 165
>Jason: EEINNRS B8 .NSERINE +70 206
#note Thanks for the A, Jeff.
>Jeff_Fiszbein: AIOLZ 15A Z.AL +42 207
#note Jeff still had his three drawn tiles face down, he looked at each one at a time, then groaned. "All I wanted was a vowel!" he lamented. So, I was surprised when he made a 42-point play. Turns out he had J(E)EZ for 90 with an E draw. He looked at AIO, he said. I saw the chance for (ZEAL)OTRY, esp. with both Y's out.
>Jason: DGHIOOT E9 HOOD +23 229
#note I've missed HOTDOG a couple times, I think.
>Jeff_Fiszbein: EW F10 WE +29 236
>Jason: EGINRTW 13A W.T +12 241
#note A lousy play, but what's better? Q says only (K)R(E)WE.
>Jeff_Fiszbein: I 14A I. +17 253
>Jason: EGINRSY 13E SYRINGE +72 313
#note Of course, I pull the S and look like a genius. Jeff really started getting negative after this play; sighing, "I don't see how I can win" comments, stuff like that. It came to a head near the end.
>Jeff_Fiszbein: BGO H12 B.OG +30 283
>Jason: ADMOOTT L12 OD +19 332
#note Knew I was hemorrhaging equity, but now the board's almost dead for bingoes. Right now, a 50-point lead feels like a 100-point lead. Still, though, I had better plays. (I know Q liked DOT in the same spot better, but I can't remember by how much.)
>Jeff_Fiszbein: ADEM 14K MADE +22 305
>Jason: AAMOTTT K5 AA +25 357
#note YA or YE in that spot could be a game-changer.
>Jeff_Fiszbein: QU 6B QU. +32 337
#note "Are those footsteps I hear?" I comment.
>Jason: AMOOTTT A6 AM.O +23 380
#note Yes, I will play off one of those T's eventually. When I start pulling O's and T's, it was nice to know I had (ZEAL)OT as a cheap 16 if I needed it. Q wants me to play that card now.
>Jeff_Fiszbein: EIILPRS C2 LIP +15 352
#note Jeff really agonized over this one. Finally, he said: "You know how Dunlop says 'What was your losing play?' This is my losing play." When he hit his clock, I couldn't help but say: "Looks like a potential winner from here." He said "You don't know what I have," then after he looked at his tiles, he got quieter, so I correctly deduced that second blank had just found its way to his rack.
>Jason: FJOOTTT 2A JO.T +22 402
#note This is a reason I suck. Jeff's just created an obvious S- hook. So I'm sitting here wishing I had a blank or S to combat it. Never did I think about how LIP had other front hooks, like, oh, say, THE F ON MY F***ING RACK! Sheesh! I've got to lose that "tunnel vision" I sometimes get. Play TOFT/F(LIP), hope he can't bingo through the E at N14 and move on! Somehow Q gives TOFT an 86+% win rate to JOLT's 80+, but it's the principle. I almost played OFT at 15M or (ZEAL)OT to leave one in the bag, but I couldn't not do something up there, even though that barely blocked. Also a potential A(J)EE play for 36, letting him keep the blank. Just no good options I saw. TOFT's clearly best.
>Jeff_Fiszbein: ?EIIRSY 7F ....S +23 375
#note Jeff said he "debated between two losing plays" when he played LIP; the other's PI at 3L. After that JOT at N1 is clearly my best and Jeff has LIERS plus two of ?AEIVY. Blank plus anything, EV, and VY all give him bingos at O3, so 7 of 15 times I lose. Q likes PI best, giving it about a 43% chance.
>Jason: AEFOTTV 15M OFT +26 428
#note Best for schmucks still missing the F- hook to LIP. For normal people, FAVE at 1C guarantees the out in two and is best.
>Jeff_Fiszbein: ?EIIRY M2 RYE +14 389
>Jason: AETV N3 AVE +17 445
#note Blocking mI(R)I. If I'd seen his other outs, I'd have been one point better by playing (V)AV.
>Jeff_Fiszbein: ?II I11 mI.I +9 398
>Jeff_Fiszbein: (T) +2 400