Player 1 |
#player1 Will Will
#player2 Richard Richard
>Will: ?AIIPRS 8B ImPAIRS +72 72
>Richard: DIMNT E7 M.NTID +18 18
>Will: ?CEEGNV H8 .CaVENGE +92 164
>Richard: AZ 14F ZA. +33 51
>Will: AEIKLLO C5 LOA.LIKE +63 227
>Will: AEIKLLO -- -63 164
#note Greedy. Doubtful that this, COALLIKE*, or OVALLIKE* could be worth trying in this situation, where Richard has every incentive to challenge.
>Richard: ETX 11H .EXT +28 79
>Will: AEIKLLO D11 KOLA +28 192
#note Missed OXLIKE, somehow failed to consider KILO in same spot
>Richard: ACSV 15A VACS +40 119
>Will: EEFILPU C3 PILEU. +16 208
#note Ha. Same letters, one row over. Sloppy.
>Richard: BHU B2 HUB +24 143
>Will: DDEFLOO D1 FOOD +41 249
>Richard: IIII -IIII +0 143
>Will: ADDEELS K6 DESAL.ED +60 309
>Richard: IILNTWY 1D .ITLY +33 176
>Will: EEGHINY J2 HYGIENE +83 392
#note Wow
>Richard: ENW E3 NEW +25 201
>Will: EFIOORR 4H FO.IE +26 418
#note Would rather not make too nice of a lane here with L12 plays. At this score I can probably just not worry about it, though.
>Richard: QU B13 QU. +24 225
>Will: AGORRRU A4 AR +12 430
#note Suddenly paranoid of JUPON
>Richard: JMOO L12 MOJO +39 264
#note Didn't save myself that much damage, though.
>Will: GIORRRU M11 RUG +23 453
#note Missed RIGOUR
>Richard: ANRW 15K R.WAN +24 288
>Will: AEIOORR 9K .ERO +5 458
#note This seemed to block a lot of possibilities.
>Richard: AEINSTT M2 TISANE +24 312
>Will: ABIORT F4 ROB +25 483
>Richard: T 11D ..T +7 319
>Richard: (AIT) +6 325