Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Sean_Wrona Sean Wrona
#player2 Ben_Schoenbrun Ben Schoenbrun
>Sean_Wrona: ?AEKPRT 8G PARTaKE +84 84
#note Matthew O'Connor all throughout this tournament was pressuring me to open vertically to freak people out, telling me I'd beat Ben and Karl by doing so. I beat them anyway, at which point he said I was just lucky, which is probably true, but I think Ben and Karl are too good to be rattled by a vertical open. Besides, it makes no difference.
>Ben_Schoenbrun: AQ J6 QA. +32 32
>Sean_Wrona: AACGILS 9F LAG +13 97
#note Clearly I underestimated how much the L was worth in this position, but it still worked out.
>Ben_Schoenbrun: EHIJR K3 HEJIR. +43 75
>Sean_Wrona: AACIMNS N2 MANIACS +89 186
>Ben_Schoenbrun: AINZ M1 NAZI +54 129
>Sean_Wrona: AEIRTUW J1 WAUR +16 202
#note Right word, wrong place, but I don't believe I even noticed the higher-scoring spot at 10G. This might be better for defense as it essentially prevents bingos in row 1 and 4 and doesn't create an easier spot on row 11, but perhaps that's not worth a five point difference...
>Ben_Schoenbrun: DGI O1 DIG +33 162
>Sean_Wrona: CDEIMTW 10E WITED +24 226
#note I can see why the sim likes CWM better which again I didn't see even though I saw the CLAG hook, but I think I like this better for defense regardless.
>Ben_Schoenbrun: ELNORST M8 .NTRESOL +68 230
#note Even after Ben played this, I played ENTEROLS on ISC against Sam Towne for who knows what reason. My knowledge of 8s is pathetic but my knowledge of 7s should be good enough to tell me that's farcical. Regardless, I knew not to challenge it.
>Sean_Wrona: CGILMRS 15J GRI.LS +24 250
#note Yeah, GLIM is the play but I apparently didn't see it again (sensing a pattern here?) Now I fully understand WHY most intermediates don't put up annotated games. In this game, my rack vision was shit, but at least my board vision mostly wasn't.
>Ben_Schoenbrun: FOP 11D FOP +31 261
>Sean_Wrona: ACEMOSV 12A MOVE +34 284
#note Didn't see COWMAN but I don't know it and it's a sneaky play, so I don't feel bad about that one.
>Ben_Schoenbrun: ITU 13D TUI +9 270
>Sean_Wrona: ABCEOOS 13H CABOO.ES +63 347
#note The play that saved the day! Ben held it and told me he wouldn't have seen it, which surprised me, but I wouldn't have seen ENTRESOL (or shudder, probably would have been just as likely to try ENTEROLS* there and I have no idea on earth why I think enterol is good. I must be crossing enteron with retinol), and that's a much more important Scrabble word.
>Ben_Schoenbrun: BEINOT B8 EOBI.NT +30 300
>Sean_Wrona: ?EELNNV 8A N.VE +24 371
#note Yeah, I should have been able to find ENLIVEN... I'm surprised this actually sims better than the lower-scoring place for ENLIVEN though...
>Ben_Schoenbrun: DEY 1H DE.Y +33 333
>Sean_Wrona: ?EFLNUY H1 .EFY +15 386
#note SYNFUEL is awesome. No way I would have ever thought of that though. I wanted to block the most obvious bingo line in row 2 but it was probably too few points, it wasn't defensive enough since I'm creating bingo lines in both row 2 and row 4, and it didn't score enough. I guess just going for points in row 12 is the thing to do having not seen SYNFUEL.
>Ben_Schoenbrun: A 4G A. +5 338
#note I don't remember what he was fishing for, but it was a last-ditch effort.
>Sean_Wrona: ?EILNUX F4 LUX +32 418
#note This scores well, blocks the hook he created, and blocks the NEVER hook, but if he has a bingo in column A or D, I'm still done. 5D LUXE apparently never loses and I can see why because that manages to block three bingo lines instead of two. Oh well, I just got lucky, but I'll take it.
>Ben_Schoenbrun: HO L11 OH. +24 362
>Sean_Wrona: ?EEIN O9 pENI.E. +7 425
#note I had less than a minute left and this was the only outplay I saw. Well, it may produce entertaining conversations on Facebook at least.

For far too long, I put top players on a pedestal, but I clearly underestimated how much you needed to know to be able to beat one (at least if you luckbox him, as I did). I still wish I had played better though, but good enough doesn't require as much as I thought it did.
>Sean_Wrona: (DORTU) +12 437
Player 2
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