Player 1 |
#player1 Melissa_Routzahn Melissa Routzahn
#player2 Andy_Saunders Andy Saunders
>Melissa_Routzahn: EIILOT 8E IOLITE +12 12
>Andy_Saunders: HLLSTXY E7 H.LLY +22 22
#note Quackle likes SIXTHLY here.
>Melissa_Routzahn: CCIIV 6E CIVIC +28 40
>Andy_Saunders: AAEFSTX J2 FAXES +40 62
#note Pretty much any of the plays dropping FAX for 30+, holding onto EAST, are best here. I really look like I'm under-valuing the EAST leave.
>Melissa_Routzahn: DEJP 3I J.PED +46 86
>Andy_Saunders: ADERTTT L2 T.T +6 68
#note There's a bingo here. TET is the best non-bingo here. Hint: Try looking through the two Is.
>Melissa_Routzahn: EQU 11B QUE. +16 102
>Andy_Saunders: ADEKRTY C10 Y.K +10 78
>Melissa_Routzahn: IIORRTT -IIORR +0 102
>Andy_Saunders: ADEEPRT 7C PE. +11 89
#note Now here's a bingo that I should have found; I need to get better at finding words like this.
>Melissa_Routzahn: EINRU C3 UNRI.E +16 118
>Andy_Saunders: AADENRT D11 .AR +18 107
>Melissa_Routzahn: FI 8A FI. +18 136
>Andy_Saunders: ADEINRT 14C ANTIRED +64 171
>Melissa_Routzahn: DIMO 15H MODI +36 172
>Andy_Saunders: AABGINO 15A BAA +17 188
>Melissa_Routzahn: AADV 4A VA.DA +26 198
>Andy_Saunders: GINOOTU 4H GO. +22 210
>Melissa_Routzahn: OW 2L .OW +15 213
#note Scored as 18.
>Andy_Saunders: EINOTUW 1N OW +20 230
#note Another play that I want back; I completely missed the N-hook possibility. I saw UNWET immediately when Quackling this position. ENOW is even better, but this was definitely a missed possibility.
>Melissa_Routzahn: EGNRSUZ J8 .RG +8 221
>Andy_Saunders: EILNRTU 10H LU. +4 234
#note Quackle likes moving 6 tiles for 20-odd here, but I'm not quite sure I agree. Opponent's last move was an obvious fish, but I'm not quite sure what the best block here is (or even if I should block).
>Melissa_Routzahn: ?ENOORS 11I SOONERs +69 290
>Andy_Saunders: EINNRST M8 INT.RNES +68 302
#note Unfortunately, there are no bingos on any other line.
>Melissa_Routzahn: AEGOTUZ O4 OUTGAZE. +104 394
#note This one puts her out of reach, I'm not 100% sure of the word, so...
>Andy_Saunders: ABEEHMN - +0 302
#note ...I give her the chance to play out with the S and blank that I manged to miss on my post-bingo draw.
>Melissa_Routzahn: ?S F10 iS +19 413
>Melissa_Routzahn: (HAEMBEN) +28 441
#note: Final scored agreed to: 444-302.