Player 1 |
#player1 Kolton_Koehler Kolton Koehler
#player2 JD JD
>Kolton_Koehler: EEEGORV 8D VERGE +26 26
#note kolton gaves me his racks because he is cool
>JD: AHILPSZ E5 HAZ.L +34 34
#note interesting sim results, HAZEL trails PHIZES just barely and IZAR by 2-3 points. IZAR doesn't look very defensive to me but I guess it's better than putting the A next to the TLS, and he might overlap at F6 for lots of chea points.
>Kolton_Koehler: EFIIMOQ F5 OM +25 51
#note interesting, I would probably just play QI here but it's close on a sim
>Kolton_Koehler: EFIIKQR C9 F.QIR +42 93
>JD: ?BEILMS 14A BESLIMe +100 167
>Kolton_Koehler: EIKRSTW H12 WIST +44 137
#note kist is a few more points
>JD: ADEIIOR A13 O.I +15 182
>Kolton_Koehler: AEHKRSX G12 AX. +39 176
#note the shrek leave is clutch
#note whee bingoes
>Kolton_Koehler: EHKORST 3H KOSHER +47 223
#note nice find, quackle likes OKEH at K2 on a sim but I'm likely to play really defensively next turn and KOSHER sets up a potential hook for the blank at 2H
>JD: ACEEFNU 5I ACNE +36 291
>Kolton_Koehler: AEPTTTY D2 PATTY +34 257
>JD: EEFLNOU C1 LUNE +18 309
#note tricky play, quackle doesn't like my choice, and now I prefer FLUE at I9 which was my other main option...FOU, which wins the sim, just seems to volatilize the board in a way that will be hard to contain later on. but that said it scores more and wins the sim pretty handily, so maybe I'm thinking about this play the wrong way.
>Kolton_Koehler: EGNNOTU 11H TONGUE +22 279
#note I like this play
>JD: ACDEFOT B2 CAFE +41 350
>Kolton_Koehler: AABDINT N5 TABANID +73 352
>JD: DIOOOTY O6 TOYO +44 394
#note I'm lucky that I have this good of a comeback, but actually I didn't think of OOTID, which keeps the potentially more useful Y...but actually I like taking the points here.
>Kolton_Koehler: GINNUVW 12B V.G +14 366
#note unwin
>JD: ?DEILOR 15H .ROlLIED +77 471
#note did not see dolerite with 3 overlaps. a quackle sim actually likes playing ILKA at H1 since he really can't catch me no matter what and I might be able to get more points by bingoing out. this level of evilness did not occur to me. but in practice he will block some of those bingos with his next play, so I think taking the bingo now is better.
>Kolton_Koehler: IJNNOUW M8 JO +27 393
>JD: DI I7 ID +15 486
>JD: (INNUW) +16 502