Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Joshua_Sokol Joshua Sokol
#player2 Anita_Rackham Anita Rackham
>Joshua_Sokol: AEGILSY H8 GAILY +26 26
>Anita_Rackham: HOO I7 OOH +23 23
>Joshua_Sokol: EEINNRS G8 EN +14 40
>Anita_Rackham: GHOU 11H .OUGH +18 41
>Joshua_Sokol: ?BEINRS L6 BaNIS.ER +76 116
>Anita_Rackham: NOW M7 WON +24 65
>Joshua_Sokol: ABDEPRU 13J BU.P +16 132
#note I guess BURP wasn't the play here. I didn't like PUB at all though, opened an easy triple.
>Anita_Rackham: DU 6J DU. +10 75
>Joshua_Sokol: AADEEFR N2 AFEARED +85 217
>Anita_Rackham: EERSSS O1 SEER +25 100
#note REES was the play here, unless she had another e or an i. I don't quite remember what she said, but I know she had three esses.
>Joshua_Sokol: ACLNOTW 12C CLOWN. +28 245
#note Didn't know CLOUGH, so I phoneyed instead.
>Anita_Rackham: EISST O7 SITE +33 133
>Joshua_Sokol: AAGIMPT 5I GAM +23 268
#note Wow, missed the t hook on WON. IMPACT is nice too.
>Anita_Rackham: ESX 4K EX +23 156
#note In hindsight, GAM was best, though, since it blocked the better EX.
>Joshua_Sokol: AAINPTZ F12 .IZ +35 303
#note PINATA/AG is nice here, but I liked (W)IZ over ZA(G) since it was more points and it blocked two lanes. I think it turns out to be the best play.
>Anita_Rackham: FIOST N10 FOIST +54 210
#note She's finally scoring, but it's really too late.
>Joshua_Sokol: AAANPTV 4G AVA +13 316
#note Ah, VACANT is nice. My thought process here was to force an easy bingo that would open up the triple lane, and have a good leave. AVA is close behind VACANT, VAT or AVA I14/13 and AVANT/TEN.
>Anita_Rackham: ACEKRY 3C CREAK +43 253
#note She said she knew SCREAKY and didn't know if I knew it, and thought I had the blank, and that's why she didn't play CREAKY. She was right, I did know it, but I don't think I would have seen it, since I didn't see SCREAK.
>Joshua_Sokol: ?AINPTU E2 P.TUNIAs +68 384
#note I also just drew the blank. This is right behind NUPTIA(L)s, which I didn't know.
>Anita_Rackham: ADEN C9 DAN.E +20 273
>Joshua_Sokol: DLMORTT D8 MOD +22 406
#note Anything I play here is a sure win. I liked MOD since it took away a Q spot and blocked an easy bingo down line B if she had one.
>Anita_Rackham: IVY 14H IVY +32 305
>Joshua_Sokol: JLRRTTT 5D T.T +3 409
#note J(AG) is the best play here. I thought I could Q stick her, forgetting that she could easily set herself up without me being able to block. The best spot was if she played L(AG), so that's why J(O)T isn't as good here.
>Anita_Rackham: EEIILOQ O14 OI +8 313
>Joshua_Sokol: JLRRT I3 J.. +19 428
#note I make the right play this time.
>Anita_Rackham: EEILQ L2 LE. +10 323
>Joshua_Sokol: RT E11 R.T +8 436
>Anita_Rackham: EIQ 1K QI +24 347
>Joshua_Sokol: LR C9 .....R +9 445
>Anita_Rackham: E J13 ..E +8 355
#note Bye!
>Anita_Rackham: (L) +2 357
Player 2
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