Player 1 |
#player1 Noah Noah
#player2 Nigel Nigel
>Noah: AACKMOV 8G KAVA +22 22
#note I'm curious where you would play this word.
>Nigel: IIOQRUZ J6 QU.I +33 33
>Noah: CEMNOOS 10F COMOSE +34 56
>Nigel: IORRUYZ K3 ZORI +37 70
>Noah: EEGINTU H10 .UTING +30 86
>Nigel: CRTTUUY F10 .UTTY +18 88
#note CUTOUT 4H looks good here.
>Noah: EEEEHSY 3H HEE.ES +38 124
>Nigel: CENORRU 12H .ROUNCER +72 160
>Noah: ADEEIOY H1 YE. +27 151
#note DIOECY M8 is exactly what I was looking for here.
>Nigel: AAHJLNR O10 JA.RAH +48 208
>Noah: AADEIOT M12 .IAO +12 163
>Nigel: ADLLNNS 7J .LNAD +21 229
>Noah: ADEPTWX L1 AP.X +46 209
#note Noticed AXED right after I hit my clock. It's actually close though, I thought AXED scored lot more than it did. I chose this over WHEEZES plays (namely WAP) because I could do them next turn. I liked WAP over WAX to save the X and open a new lane, but liked APEX better because it seemed more likely I could take advantage of whatever new lane a W play opened two turns later rather than next turn, holding the X.
>Nigel: ?ILNOOS 1A SNOOtIL. +83 312
>Noah: DEGINTW G3 WIG +37 246
#note WIG and WED seemed close in leave. What decided it for me was that row 6 was harder to block by playing on column F after WIG than after WED.
>Nigel: ?EEFFRS 2H .FF +35 347
#note Missed OFFERErS, but this is just as good.
>Noah: ADEINNT 4J T..INE +22 268
#note If I played WED I would've bingoed! As for this play, TOXIN seemed bad because his likelihood of having an E was just too high, and even if he doesn't have an E, the line O scoring spot is not the think I need to get back in the game. I didn't see any great fishes, and don't now, so I'm fine with this play.
>Nigel: ?EEIMRS A1 .ERIEMaS +80 427
>Noah: ADEILNP 14J PAN.D. +30 298
#note I have no shot at anything in the tournament at this point, so this may be crappy.
>Nigel: BBDEGLO B7 GOBBLED +73 500
>Noah: DEEILTV A12 DIVE +38 336
#note While the game itself was disappointing, I'm happy that it gave Nigel the spread he needed to win the tournament!
>Nigel: ARTW O1 WAT.R +24 524
>Nigel: (LET) +6 530