Game Details
Player 1
#player1 George_Macaulay George Macaulay
#player2 Matthew_Larocque Matthew Larocque
>George_Macaulay: EEW 8F EWE +12 12
>Matthew_Larocque: EGHILNO 9F HELO +22 22
#note Why not just play off HO?
>George_Macaulay: EGLT J6 GELT +17 29
>Matthew_Larocque: CGIILNR 6F CLIN. +14 36
#note C(E)IL sets up the I hook but whatever, didn't feel like messing around since I had lost the last two games.
>George_Macaulay: AFRY K3 FRAY +32 61
>Matthew_Larocque: GIIOORT 4I TO.I +8 44
#note Going back on what I just said - hoping he will overlook the I hook. Not sure why, with a leave like GOIR. Why don't I just play GI(R)O?
>George_Macaulay: IMV M3 VIM +21 82
>Matthew_Larocque: ?GIINOR 3C sIGNORI +71 115
#note Lucky me.
>George_Macaulay: DO H1 DO. +12 94
>Matthew_Larocque: AEEORRZ D1 ZA.RE +48 163
>George_Macaulay: AIMR 1A MIR.A +48 142
>Matthew_Larocque: EGOORTU 2A UT +12 175
#note The typical nothing-scores-nothing-balances-but-I-don't-wanna-exchange dilemma of a turn. Except I missed OUTGO which really stands out and leaves ER.
>George_Macaulay: UUUV -UUUV +0 142
>Matthew_Larocque: BBEGOOR 2G G.BO +17 192
#note Lol (L)OBBER is a word.
>George_Macaulay: AA 3K .A.A +12 154
>Matthew_Larocque: BEEOPRU 2N BE +16 208
#note I'm not sure if this is a decoy or an actual set-up. It's hard to block as evidenced by this deplorable move. If I'm really luck I can score with my O next turn.
>George_Macaulay: ?AEEKRS K9 SnEAKER +79 233
#note Ok, so I did end up blocking a painful bingo.
>Matthew_Larocque: EJOPRTU 15J P.OJET +48 256
#note But I have NO good plays up in the top corner, so I just take out the 3x3 for 48.
>George_Macaulay: AENNOST 11E NEONAT.S +66 299
>Matthew_Larocque: DHQRTUW 5A THR.W +22 278
#note Yeesh.
>George_Macaulay: ADL 1M LAD +26 325
>Matthew_Larocque: DINOQUY A5 .ONY +21 299
#note Because I totally would have won high non-bingo for QUOD 86. TODY is a word I never remember because it looks like TOADY misspelled.
>George_Macaulay: ANUU 12B UNAU +10 335
>Matthew_Larocque: CDEFIQU 13G QUIC.ED +68 367
>Matthew_Larocque: CDEFIQU -- -68 299
#note If this stays it's my only realistic shot to win.
>George_Macaulay: EISX H11 .IXES +39 374
#note George ponders and decides he has to challenge - I get red exed.
>Matthew_Larocque: CDEFIQU 14D FIQU. +37 336
#note I miss QUI(N)CE again. Sim wants me to play FU(N)DIC or FECU(N)D. I didn't know them and I don't know why I should NOT play the Q. Champ goes with QUI(N)CE.
>George_Macaulay: DIPSV N12 VID. +16 390
>Matthew_Larocque: CDE B11 D.CE +14 350
>Matthew_Larocque: (PS) +8 358
#note -10 and George ended with 388.
Player 2
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