Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Quackle Quackle
#player2 Evans Evans
>Quackle: DGNORTU 8H UNGOD +18 18
>Quackle: ?AOPRRT L1 PRORATe. +76 94
>Evans: AAEEILO K2 ALOE +18 18
>Quackle: AALNRTW 2J W..RAN +34 128
>Evans: AEEEIKT 1L .EKE +44 62
>Quackle: ?AAIILT 1D TILApIA +76 204
>Evans: ADEGIIT 3H DIA..G +32 94
>Quackle: CDEEFHI 4D CHEFED +39 243
>Evans: EEILNOT D4 .OTELINE +61 155
>Quackle: GIINORV 8A VIO. +21 264
>Evans: CEEFSSY 12A FEYS +50 205
>Quackle: GHINORX C7 H.X +51 315
>Evans: CELMRST 5C C.MTE +39 244
>Quackle: GINOQRT J6 QI.ONG +39 354
>Evans: ADELRST M8 SLARTED +76 320
>Quackle: EORRTUV 13F OVERTUR. +66 420
>Evans: ABEPSUZ H12 Z.BU +75 395
>Quackle: AINOSUY L10 YOU. +25 445
>Evans: ABEIMPS N9 IMBASE +74 469
>Quackle: AIJNNSW O6 JAWS +45 490
>Evans: IP C12 .IP +16 485
>Evans: (INN) +6 491
Player 2
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