Game Details
Player 1
#player1 John_Wiley John Wiley
#player2 JD JD
>John_Wiley: AIIX H6 IXIA +22 22
>John_Wiley: ABEU F10 BEAU +22 44
>JD: ?CDJRUU 12C JUR. +22 66
>John_Wiley: AEGINRS 14F SEARING +71 115
>JD: ?ACDISU C12 .US +20 86
#note I looked at this rack for about 10 minutes and looked for the 9s, but I just couldn't find DUALISTIC. quackle likes OXID to create a new lane by a few points over my play.
>John_Wiley: OTT I6 TOT +23 138
>JD: ?ACDIMR H12 CR.M +33 119
>John_Wiley: BET 15A BET +26 164
>JD: ?ADEEIP K7 oEDIPEA. +70 189
#note did not see EPICEDIA/LITE but oedipean scores more
>John_Wiley: ESTZ 12J Z.ST +26 190
>JD: EFIINOV L4 FIVE +21 210
#note this just doesn't score enough, ENVOI sims best
>John_Wiley: ?AEHOST N6 lOATHES +81 271
#note perhaps I should've read more into his last play of ZEST and played ENVOI to block the easy S hook.
>JD: DHILNOW O7 WHO +49 259
>John_Wiley: AGMY J3 GAMY +35 306
>JD: DEIILNO E7 LIDO +10 269
#note ugh, I had DIOLEFIN but he blocked. OILED doesn't look good enough. I probably need another lane so he doesn't block the G, hence my's still early yet though - maybe playing something like OI and fishing isn't so bad. hard to judge how bad of a play this is.
>John_Wiley: AGIRRU D4 RUGA +12 318
#note his actual rack minus 1 tile
>JD: EILNOQW 10J Q. +31 300
>John_Wiley: DFI C7 DIF +19 337
>JD: EEILNOW B8 LOWE +22 322
#note I figured I would just try to score enough to keep up
>John_Wiley: CER 5C C.RE +12 349
>JD: DEINORV 15L OVER +28 350
#note for some reason I just could not see OVEN - but the best spot is definitely at M2 to set up ROVEN/DOVEN, rather than at the bottom-right.
>John_Wiley: AEEILNOT 10N .A +15 364
>JD: DINNNNY 3F DYIN. +15 365
#note as it turns out if I draw this many Ns I lose no matter what but OVEN at M2 would've made things closer.
>John_Wiley: EEILNOT 2A ETOILE +21 385
>JD: NNN 13B N.N +5 370
>John_Wiley: N A1 N. +6 391
#note props to john, he played well
>John_Wiley: (N) +2 393
Player 2
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