Game Details
Player 1
#title Pete Zeigler 725 game on 31 January 2013
#player1 Pete_Z. Pete Z.
#player2 Dan_S. Dan S.
>Pete_Z.: EHI 8G HIE +12 12
>Dan_S.: ELOSTUV H4 OUTL.VES +62 62
>Pete_Z.: EEIMNRS 4B EMERSI.N +70 82
>Dan_S.: ETZ F2 ZE.T +33 95
>Pete_Z.: DEGGORT 10D GORG.TED +65 147
>Dan_S.: U - +0 95
#note Dan lost a challenge, rather than passing.
>Pete_Z.: AIQ K8 QA.I +28 175
>Dan_S.: GSUV D8 VU.GS +28 123
>Pete_Z.: ?BEILNT 2A BLINT.Es +86 261
>Dan_S.: BLOT 1G BOLT +25 148
>Pete_Z.: OPP J9 P.PO +16 277
>Dan_S.: AEEW 8A WEA.E +33 181
>Pete_Z.: AWY 6D WAY +42 319
>Dan_S.: HJNO I12 JOHN +24 205
>Pete_Z.: ?ADEIKN 15H K.EADINg +176 495
>Dan_S.: FOR L12 FOR. +16 221
>Pete_Z.: INOU 8K .UOIN +45 540
>Dan_S.: AF 13L .AF +12 233
>Pete_Z.: MU 1C MU +12 552
>Dan_S.: R E6 .R. +3 236
>Pete_Z.: AACDERS 3I ARCADES +75 627
>Dan_S.: O O2 O. +2 238
>Pete_Z.: ADIILTY B6 ID.ALITY +66 693
>Pete_Z.: (ACEINRX) +32 725
Player 2
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