Player 1 |
#player1 Tony_Cook Tony Cook
#player2 Matt_Canik Matt Canik
>Tony_Cook: EORTW 8D WROTE +24 24
>Matt_Canik: BENOPSX 9F POX +29 29
>Tony_Cook: JLOY D6 JO.LY +18 42
>Matt_Canik: BENNNRS C10 BREN +19 48
#note Couldn't decide between this or exchanging BNN. Quack likes the exchange by ~3 points, probably just because Tony can't score next turn.
>Tony_Cook: AHIR 6B HI.RA +25 67
>Matt_Canik: AEGLNNS C3 ALG.N +17 65
#note This sims 3 points down from LANG D12, which I just miss for absolutely no good reason.
>Tony_Cook: ADIQ D1 QADI +55 122
#note I guess I deserve that for sucking.
>Matt_Canik: ACENSTY F6 .T..Y +18 83
#note I look at the (EX) extension for a while here, but don't quite have EXACTNESS or anything. I whiff EXSECANT (I've missed that several times in tournaments now, I need to stop doing that...), then realize I've spent like 5 minutes on this turn and hastily play this before noticing POXY.
>Tony_Cook: EORTU 1A TOR.UE +45 167
>Matt_Canik: AACENSS 14A CASSENA +79 162
#note (TORQUE)SES is a word?
>Tony_Cook: EGK A12 GE.K +39 206
>Matt_Canik: ADFIMTZ 13E FIZ +53 215
>Tony_Cook: DOPR 15G PROD +35 241
>Matt_Canik: ABDIIMT 14J IAMBI +27 242
#note So I narrowed this play down to DIB G1, IAMBI 14J, and AMBIT 14J. After a long time, I picked this one, and simulation seems to agree. Cool, glad I didn't fuck this turn up.
>Tony_Cook: GIV 7H VIG +21 262
>Matt_Canik: DEINTTV K10 VITT. +16 258
#note And then it all goes to shit here. I just don't know what I was thinking when I made this play. DEV/TORQUED is fine, Matt, don't worry about INTT, it's not that bad a leave. And VITTA was chosen over VITA because I wanted an extra shot at a blank. Same logic was used for IAMBI over DIB last turn.
>Tony_Cook: ?EELMNT K2 TELEMaN +73 335
>Matt_Canik: DEFNOUU J5 FU.U +23 281
>Tony_Cook: HO L4 OH +23 358
>Matt_Canik: ACDDENO O12 DACE +39 320
#note DECO fail fail fail
>Tony_Cook: AER 2A ARE. +22 380
>Tony_Cook: AER -- -22 358
#note Get lucky he slips up here and tries REALGIN*, thinking it was ALIGN.
>Matt_Canik: DEINOSU G1 DUO +22 342
#note This was so tough. He'd given me a chance you potentially outrun him, he's got about 2:00 left on his clock, but I've got bingo tiles. Do I play to bingo? Do I play to outrun? Do I try to block him? Championship player suggests OU(T)ED 12I for 12. I don't understand.
>Tony_Cook: EO M13 O.E +10 368
>Matt_Canik: EILNSSW M5 SLEW +18 360
#note And then I get to this situation and realize that he bingos most of the time. Quackle suggests (UN)WISE, but OBE implies to me that he's got the blank, so this game is all but decided. I was just trying to save spread and block, effectively throwing in the towel.
>Tony_Cook: ?AEEINR 12H bAN.ERE. +22 390
#note I catch a break and he whiffs ARENITE N6.
>Matt_Canik: AINS 2J S.AIN +14 374
>Matt_Canik: (I) +2 376