Player 1 |
#player1 JD JD
#player2 XP XP
#note I thought about opening with BIRKIE in case XP didn't know it, but thought better of it
>XP: AGH 7G HAG +24 24
>JD: AALQRTT 9C QAT +30 62
>XP: ?EINRSS J7 SERINeS +66 90
>JD: ELMRRTZ 11J .ERTZ +28 90
>XP: ?ERSSTW 12D WRESTl.S +72 162
>JD: EILLMRU 8J .LMIER +33 123
#note ELMIER seemed to open the board more than ZILL which is my only other decent option
>XP: CIO N11 .OIC +30 192
>JD: BDILTUW 10B WIT +32 155
>JD: BDILOOU H10 OU.BID +27 182
>XP: EEV 13C VEE +19 239
>JD: GJLOOUY F10 JO. +26 208
#note getting closer! I didn't want to play JOEY blocking all of my nice bingo lines, although I now have a good lane on column B and row 15 as well. I thought about GLOOMY holding the J as well. probably JOEY is better.
>XP: GMU B6 GUM +14 253
>JD: EGHLOUY C6 OH +21 229
#note I liked making this play to allow me to open this side of the board next turn. quackle likes GHOULIE, which I saw but passed up so I wouldn't mess with that side of the board. I guess I'm not actually losing by that much, but after XP's next play I'll be down 40 some with very few bingo lanes to hit.
>XP: AAL 7L ALA +13 266
#note back in it! except...
>JD: ADNOUVX -V +0 275
#note well, I'm in deep trouble now. the only way I could see to come back was to fish for RONDEAUX, and the V plays nowhere. so exchange 1. However the better move here is probably DAVIT at E5 setting up a 50-point X play. XP would almost certainly see it, but even RONDEAUX probably wouldn't win anyway and this at least gives me a chance. at this point I already had a tie so I figured spread didn't matter.
>XP: AY 14B YA +26 378
>JD: ADNNOUX G7 ..N +7 282
#note Type a note here!I should probably already have mailed it in, but most of my other moves sucked anyway
>XP: DFNO 5C FOND +25 403
>JD: ADNOUVX 13M V.D +14 296
#note go away V no one likes you
>XP: ACDEFIP 4D DEAF +27 430
>JD: ANOOUUX 2A .OUX +22 318
#note Here my best play is the highly counterintuitive ON at 3G which blocks PIC and lets me play AX/AZOIC next time. but my will to live had already been crushed by now.
>XP: CIP 3F PIC +20 450
>XP: (ANOU) +8 458
#note well I actually think I played this one ok until I started screwing around at the end. well done xp. this was actually my only 300 game of the tournament