Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Debbie Debbie
#player2 Will Will
>Debbie: CETUY 8H CUTEY +28 28
>Will: ELLOQRS I7 Q.OLL +25 25
>Debbie: ENTW K5 TWE.N +16 44
>Will: AERSSST 12H ASSERTS +81 106
#note I was almost 100% on STARLESS but the scores and positions were too close to mess around.
>Debbie: PTW K11 W.PT +18 62
>Will: AAEFJMZ 4J JAM +33 139
>Debbie: LMY H12 .MYL +27 89
>Will: AADEFNZ N5 FAZENDA. +77 216
>Debbie: ?AEGIRT 10B InTEGRA. +64 153
>Will: EIOOOUV O9 OE +7 223
#note I suspected OUTVIE might work out better but column O is terrifying. Still, IOOUV and a measly 7 points are worse.
>Debbie: EGGHI O1 GIGHE +47 200
#note And sometimes I'm not blocking anything.
>Will: ILOOUVV 15C VOLVU.I +14 237
>Debbie: IOPRRU E5 ROUPI.R +36 236
>Will: ?ACENOX F5 EX +52 289
#note Wow, quite the reversal of fortune.
>Debbie: BDU M2 DUB +27 263
>Will: ?ACINOT C6 CANO.IsT +70 359
>Debbie: BN B9 N.B +11 274
>Will: DEEFIOO 8N .F +33 392
#note Sims OK, but G5 FOE would've been smarter.
>Debbie: HN M11 N.H +14 288
>Will: DEEEIOO G6 OI +13 405
>Debbie: INR 4F RIN +14 302
>Will: DEEEEKO H1 KEE. +24 429
>Debbie: AADIORS A5 RADIO +21 323
>Will: ADEEIO L12 .EAD +17 446
#note 5I DOTE (-1)
>Debbie: AS I1 AS +10 333
>Debbie: (EIO) +6 339
Player 2
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