Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Nick_Ivanovski Nick Ivanovski
#player2 Peter_Kougi Peter Kougi
>Nick_Ivanovski: OVW 8G VOW +18 18
>Peter_Kougi: BEIORRS J5 BROSIER +73 73
>Nick_Ivanovski: AOZ F6 ZOA +43 61
>Peter_Kougi: AADEINU G7 U.A +11 84
>Nick_Ivanovski: EEFL K9 FLEE +25 86
>Peter_Kougi: ACDEFIN 10B FANCIED +80 164
>Nick_Ivanovski: GIJO D8 JI.GO +42 128
>Peter_Kougi: AADLNRW L11 DRAWL +28 192
>Nick_Ivanovski: ?EEOSUV M6 OVErUSE +71 199
>Peter_Kougi: AIMNTUY N1 MUTINY +51 243
>Nick_Ivanovski: APU 1L PU.A +33 232
>Peter_Kougi: AAIINNO 15K A.OIN +15 258
>Nick_Ivanovski: GIT 14K T.IG +26 258
>Peter_Kougi: ?ADILNQ 4L QA.D +32 290
>Nick_Ivanovski: ELT 8L L.ET +15 273
>Peter_Kougi: ?AEILNP 2F PrALINE +70 360
>Nick_Ivanovski: EGRTT H1 T.RGET +27 300
>Peter_Kougi: ADHKNNR O8 .HANK +17 377
#note HADJ
>Nick_Ivanovski: EE K5 EE +14 314
>Peter_Kougi: DHMNORY 12C D.MY +10 387
>Nick_Ivanovski: EIISX H10 .IXIES +66 380
>Peter_Kougi: BHNOORS 3C HOBO +22 409
#note I am already 2 minutes overtime and don't know what he has left. I look over and see 2 tiles on his rack and assume he will go out...
>Nick_Ivanovski: CRT D2 R.T +6 386
>Peter_Kougi: NRS 6M ..S +6 415
#note He seems to go out with ROT, then I notice a tile in the bag, it was the C. It is placed on his rack and it's my turn...
>Nick_Ivanovski: C F10 .C. +8 394
#note I missed this spot and it costs me the game as I go overtime by 3 minutes! Crazy stuff
>Nick_Ivanovski: (NR) +4 398
Player 2
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