Player 1 |
#player1 Jim_Burlant Jim Burlant
#player2 Chris_Schneider Chris Schneider
>Jim_Burlant: ?GIILRW 8G WIG +14 14
#note A great rack if you're going second, but not first. Not much else to do with this.
>Chris_Schneider: AKNP 7E KNAP +21 21
>Jim_Burlant: ?AGILRY E4 LAR.Y +24 38
#note His play of KNAP blocked ANGRILY, and the old refrain kicks in: You gotta know it to play it. The 25000-probability GARLICKY and 19000-probability GRAYLING play at E1 and I8, respectively. I study by probability and both of those go way past any range I've seen. Best non-bingo is apparently 9F YAG, which I missed. This sucks.
>Chris_Schneider: BNNU 8A BUNN. +33 54
>Jim_Burlant: ?GGILMY 8G ...GLY +18 56
#note Either this or 6D GRIM. I'd choose this over that any day since I don't want to keep the Y. 60% to win.
>Chris_Schneider: EOVW D1 WOVE +32 86
>Jim_Burlant: ?GIMOQR 2B GR.OM +28 84
#note Interesting sim result: it's either this or exchanging GQ. Worse comes to worst, I'll dump the Q cheap or exchange it if I don't have a good play on it soon. But, sitting on the blank, I don't know why I should even consider exchanging given the wide-open U at 8B.
>Chris_Schneider: AEHT 1D .HEAT +42 128
>Jim_Burlant: ?AADIOQ B7 Q.AI +15 99
#note Q says I should play AQUA Don't know if I like giving up an easy E back hook, even if I am sitting on the blank. Then again, maybe it knows something about Chris's next rack that I don't?
>Chris_Schneider: DEMNOOS A10 MOONED +34 162
#note This was Chris's rack. Safe to say that you can probably count on two hands the number of people who'd have found the bingo in this: M(EL)ODEONS 4C for 63.
>Jim_Burlant: ?ACDEOT K5 COl.ATED +90 189
#note Best. Other options are D8/13A NOTECARD, K7 CLODpATE, 5E AuTOCADE/AnECDOTA/ADvOCATE. 566% to win in a short sim...but not for very long.
>Chris_Schneider: EIORSTU 12F OUTRI.ES +70 232
#note Best bingo for Chris, and he's 65% to win.
>Jim_Burlant: CEHIISU 13L HIC +25 214
#note Weak. If you can't think of CUISH (I always whiff on that word), your options are tepid at best and this is as good as any of the rest of them. Best is 13C CUISH, which would have prevented his next play.
>Chris_Schneider: BENRZ F10 BR.NZE +43 275
>Jim_Burlant: EILLNSU H10 LU.EIN +18 232
#note LOL Now it's my turn to miss a 9. 10F (B)ULLE(T)INS scores 65. This is the best of the non-bingo options.
>Chris_Schneider: EIOV C5 OVI.E +25 300
>Jim_Burlant: ADILOSU 10H .OU. +6 238
#note Even though Chris told me post-mortem he thought I did a great job staying patient and not crumbling under the pressure,the reality is that I was starting to get rattled by now. UDO B13 looks solid. This is too fishy.
>Chris_Schneider: AEFT B12 FATE +28 328
>Jim_Burlant: AEEILPS 13A ..PE +12 250
#note Knew CALIPEES, did not know ESPECIAL. Best fish looks to be 6E REP 19. This sucks.
>Chris_Schneider: AF F4 FA +13 341
>Jim_Burlant: AAEILST 9K .AL +9 259
#note I have an S, I might as well open up another line so the board is harder for him to defend since I need a miracle to win this game anyway. Q doesn't like this much, but it played a part into luring Chris into a big mistake on his next turn.
>Chris_Schneider: EIIRSST 5K .IS +5 346
#note To this point, Chris had thoroughly outplayed me. But he made a game-changing mistake here. Maybe my opinion is skewed because I knew my rack where he didn't. When he asked me post-mortem what I felt he should have done, I replied that, leading by 82 points, he didn't need to worry so much about a bingo of his own and instead he should have taken the bag down to 1. Q doesn't quite agree with me, but there's merit to its suggested play: SIC 5I to defend against the J. Instead, forgetting that this takes a back T hook, Chris put this down in an attempt to take away my easy run at the N column, and watch what happens.
>Jim_Burlant: AEIJRST J6 JA. +53 312
#note Q only wants me to play for 25, but I don't see how that's going to put enough points on the board. That minimizes spread in an all-but-guaranteed loss, but I'm trying to win. If he's got a bingo I'm dead anyway, so I might as well max out my points while still leaving myself the possibility of an out bingo. This board is so open that he may not be able to defend anything even if he does know my rack, so I don't see why I should only dump the J instead of playing JAG.
>Chris_Schneider: DEIRSTX M1 EXIT. +24 370
#note Chris said he'd forgotten about row 15 and was trying to block row 2 and the N column.
>Jim_Burlant: ?DEIRST 15H .ERDIeST +77 389
#note Kapow!
>Jim_Burlant: (DRS) +8 397
#note The great escape. For the most part this was beyond my skill set; had Chris played SIC instead of CIS, this would have been a well-deserved loss.