Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Peter_Kougi Peter Kougi
#player2 Rod_Casey Rod Casey
>Peter_Kougi: ?DMNOUW 8H UNMOWeD +82 82
#note Phony!
>Rod_Casey: AJ J6 JA. +28 28
>Peter_Kougi: AEENNOS 9G ONE +10 92
>Rod_Casey: ?DNRRST M6 TR.NDeRS +68 96
>Rod_Casey: ?DNRRST -- -68 28
>Peter_Kougi: AEINNOS 9K ION +13 105
>Rod_Casey: ?DNRRST H7 R..D +5 33
>Peter_Kougi: ACEENSS 11H SEANCES +74 179
>Rod_Casey: ?NORSTU F7 OUTRuNS +62 95
>Peter_Kougi: EEINTUX 13C UNI.EX +28 207
#note Don't like EXEUNT E10. XU E11 looks ok
>Rod_Casey: AOV K4 OVA +21 116
>Peter_Kougi: EGIOTTU D8 TOUTI.G +18 225
>Rod_Casey: HO 12K OH +26 142
>Peter_Kougi: ABEEHIM E5 BEMA +23 248
#note I liked this defensively
>Rod_Casey: DORT D3 TROD +17 159
>Peter_Kougi: AAEHIPW 13K WAI +26 274
#note AWHAPED N2 is cool
>Rod_Casey: PRY L2 PRY +26 185
>Peter_Kougi: AACEGHP J1 PEAG +16 290
>Rod_Casey: DEFILST 15D STIFLED +96 281
>Rod_Casey: DEFILST -- -96 185
>Peter_Kougi: ACHLLRR 1G CAR. +24 314
#note RALPH oops
>Rod_Casey: DEFILST 1L SELF +34 219
>Peter_Kougi: AHLLLQR 3B QA. +24 338
>Rod_Casey: IVY 14I IVY +27 246
>Peter_Kougi: HIKLLLR G1 .HILL +11 349
>Rod_Casey: BEET 15F BEET +20 266
>Peter_Kougi: AIIKLRZ C2 K. +6 355
#note RIZ N13 sims best
>Rod_Casey: DEEEFIT 4A FIE. +29 295
>Peter_Kougi: AGIILRZ 6A AZI.. +35 390
#note Didn't know FRAZIL
>Rod_Casey: DEET 7L TEED +18 313
>Rod_Casey: (GILR) +10 323
Player 2
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