Game Details
Player 1
#player1 jesse jesse
#player2 cesar cesar
>jesse: EFORSTU 8G FOU +12 12
#note after seeing FOUTERS#/FOUTRES# I knew I didn't have anything
>cesar: EGINRST 9F RESTING +71 71
#note lol. but quackle likes J2/J8 better for some reason. dumbkle. (-2)
>jesse: EJNRSTY K7 JE.NY +30 42
>cesar: AAADEOS L11 AA +9 80
#note this sims well but i often hate making plays like this. in the end L9 GOAD wins. there's less volatility and more score now. i gotta stop fishing all the time. (-2)
>jesse: AELORST 13I OLESTRA +69 111
>cesar: ADEIOQS O12 Q.DI +72 152
#note that was kinda lucky
>jesse: IKMNOOR 12C OMIKRON +80 191
#note Jesse: boom Cesar: That's sick.
>cesar: ABCEEOS E9 COB.A +29 181
>jesse: EEILMOR L4 LIMO +21 212
#note I think I like MOA now
>cesar: EEEELRS F9 .EE. +18 199
#note crestings is a word so eels looks good. M6 EEL is ok. REEKER is best. i didn't think that was a word. (-6.5)
>jesse: DEEIPPR 13C PE. +22 234
#note some interesting moves jump up to the top - keeing DEER or DEEPR sims just a little better, but best is DEEP at M5, says quackle. Given his last play DEEP is likely not a bad idea.
>cesar: DEEELRS M5 DEER +24 223
#note deers but i didn't know crestings again. (-5.5)
>jesse: CDEHIPR K3 PEH +32 266
#note CHID is a nice little setup for an E at N5 with few of them left. however...
>cesar: EELORSY N1 EROSELY +103 326
#note Jesse: damn son! erosely would go down after CHID too Cesar: i was about to play SORELY
>jesse: ACDIINR 1G ACRIDIN. +86 352
>cesar: ?AFGHNS 2A aFGHANS +82 408
#note ok, but i chickened out on FASHiNG which is definitely better. (-3) jesse: cesar was on fire. FASHING is better though
>jesse: AGITTUZ D1 G.AZI +40 392
#note just playing ZAG seems dommed. I need to flip over some tiles and go for the blank or the X, I think.
>cesar: ABDIOWX A1 W.X +36 444
#note chickened out on BaWD. (-8) jesse: I am in lots of trouble
>jesse: AITTUUV -IITUUVW +0 392
#note I'm pretty happy with my choice. it sims best. the best tile available is the A but I should take an extra shot at the blank.
>cesar: ?ABDEIO M1 .OB +20 464
#note jesse: it was pretty clear that I wasn't going to win after my exchange 7 made my rack worse
>jesse: LNTTUVW 5A UNW.T +16 408
#note jeez, poor jesse :/
>cesar: ?AADEIU O3 AID +23 487
#note quackle just likes 4D ZA for some reason because it is greedy. i should probably burn the blank and play sADI for a million points.
>jesse: LTTTUVV 10D V.. +6 414
#note wow jesse's rack sucks
>cesar: ?AEIU 6E AUrEI +8 495
#note i burned a lot of spread here by not slow playing him even though i had some time on my clock. i thought i'd mess it up or that it would be close after 14A TUT but ACRIDINEs is the spot.
>cesar: (LTTTUV) +18 513
Player 2
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