Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Jack Jack
#player2 Emely Emely
>Jack: AEIILPR 8D PILIER +22 22
#note Oh, oops, this isn't a word. Wasn't sure whether to fish with PI or exch I or to try to play through more tiles. Sim prefers fishing or PILEI.
>Emely: AFUV H4 FAUV. +15 15
>Jack: AAEERSY G3 YEA +17 39
>Emely: HN 6G H.N +16 31
>Jack: AERSTTU I3 UT +9 48
#note Missed both UPSTATER and LUSTRATE. And I don't know why I played I3 instead of J5. It was cold okay!
>Emely: BDENOU E3 BEDOU.N +20 51
>Jack: ADERSTW 10E STRAWED +76 124
#note Of the 2 bingos x 2 locations, this is best
>Emely: IK J6 KI +37 88
#note ut
>Jack: AIMRSVW D4 MAW +32 156
#note I put down VAW and then picked it up and replaced it with MAW. I thought VAW gave back way too much and with all the Es out IRSV doesn't seem too bad. Champ player agrees. Also likes WAIV(E) with the vowel heavy pool or (A)SWARM which I didn't know for 45 but it has a crappy IV leave and it throws open the board. Sim suggests VAWS K3 which I actually kinda like since it takes out all lanes (except for paralleling against STRAWED). In addition, the S is not of too much values on this board.
>Emely: AEGR C2 AGER +19 107
>Jack: GIIRSTV 1A VIG +28 184
>Emely: ?DEHINS A1 .aNISHED +95 202
>Jack: DEEIRST B7 REEDITS +67 251
>Emely: GILRY K2 GIRLY +33 235
>Jack: AFILNQU A11 QUAIL +61 312
>Emely: ?AENORS 2H ONA.ERS +23 258
#note Laid down ONAgERS at 9I, thought about it for awhile and then picked it up and played ONA(G)ERS keeping ?. I was so confused. She said after the game the she was worried about how much ONAGERS (the bingo) gave back. But the O or E is ONAGERS (the non-bingo) is dangerous too.
>Jack: ABFLNNO 1E FLAB +39 351
#note Oh oops, missed FOAL for 46. She's picking up 6 new tiles though, not a bad idea to block the J spot. Champ player likes FLAB best actually, then FOB.
>Emely: EOZ K10 .OZE +28 286
>Jack: ACNNOOO L11 NAN +32 383
#note Spent a very very long time on this turn. I like CANON, or ANCON at 14G or COON at 14H. NAN is pretty bad. I am not sure why (Z)OON sims well and is liked by champ player. I considered NOON at the top.
>Emely: MOOT 1L MOOT +38 324
>Jack: CEEOOOX M10 COX +34 417
#note Maybe leave the C off
>Emely: ?CIJPTT C13 PIT +20 344
>Jack: EEOO F1 .OO +13 430
>Emely: ?CJT 13K ..aCT +36 380
>Jack: EE N13 .EE +10 440
>Jack: (J) +16 456
Player 2
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