Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Peter_Kougi Peter Kougi
#player2 Trevor_Halsall Trevor Halsall
>Peter_Kougi: EFLMPTU 8D FLUME +28 28
#note Had doubts about FLUMP
>Trevor_Halsall: AEGITY E5 EGA.ITY +44 44
>Peter_Kougi: AKPPRTW 4D WRAPT +34 62
>Trevor_Halsall: EIU 10D E.UI +6 50
>Peter_Kougi: ACDKPQT 7H PACK +17 79
>Trevor_Halsall: AEE 6D A.EE +7 57
>Peter_Kougi: DGIQRTW F2 WR.T. +18 97
#note Wasn't sure of FLUMED
>Trevor_Halsall: AACE H1 ACE.A +21 78
>Peter_Kougi: DGIOQRR K4 GRO. +18 115
>Trevor_Halsall: OUY L2 YOU +18 96
>Peter_Kougi: DIIJNQR 1G Q.ID +14 129
>Trevor_Halsall: ??IINOT M1 tuITION +74 170
>Peter_Kougi: AEIJNNR 1M .AJ +27 156
>Trevor_Halsall: EIRZ J7 .RIZE +36 206
>Trevor_Halsall: EIRZ -- -36 170
>Peter_Kougi: DEINNOR 9H ENDIRON +65 221
>Trevor_Halsall: EGIZ L8 G.IZE +34 204
>Peter_Kougi: EEFILNS O3 FELINES +92 313
>Trevor_Halsall: ABH 9B BHA. +19 223
>Peter_Kougi: DELLOOV 12I VOL.D +9 322
>Trevor_Halsall: BIMOS 13J BISOM +46 269
#note Pretty cool
>Peter_Kougi: AELNOOT G10 .NTO +5 327
#note Not bad but LOOT 14H is probably better
>Trevor_Halsall: ERV H13 REV +20 289
>Peter_Kougi: ADELORS 14M LOD +20 347
#note Not quite as good as LOSER O11 followed by DA 8A
>Trevor_Halsall: HNSTUX 15J HUNTS +19 308
>Peter_Kougi: AERS 2B RESA. +16 363
#note AESIR
>Peter_Kougi: (X) +16 379
Player 2
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