Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Will Will
#player2 Debbie Debbie
>Will: BDEENPV 8F VEEP +18 18
>Debbie: EGM 9H MEG +16 16
>Will: BBDGLNR -BBDGLN +0 18
#note Hoping for esses
>Debbie: III -III +0 16
>Will: EFHMRTT 10F FRET +25 43
>Debbie: AILNV K9 ANVIL +23 39
>Will: AADEHMT 13I HA.MA +28 71
>Debbie: ELY 14H LEY +32 71
>Will: ADDDEET 15G DATED +39 110
>Debbie: BCEK 12F BECK +26 97
>Will: ADEIOTT 11C IOTA +16 126
#note Thought about TOITED - somehow missed TAO which I kind of like best.
>Debbie: NU 15E UN..... +9 106
>Will: DEIIOTU -IIOTU +0 126
#note Again exchanged deeper to land ??SSSS
>Debbie: ?INRSUU N7 URINoUS +69 175
>Will: DEEHPQS 8L HE.D +36 162
#note Huge miss of QOPH!
>Debbie: ORTW L4 WORT. +22 197
>Will: CEGPQSU C8 EQU.PS +54 216
#note QUIPS is definitely better. There aren't enough Es for me to worry that much, and by saving it I put myself in great shape for next turn. Outsmarted myself here.
>Debbie: FLX 8A FL.X +66 263
#note As if there was any doubt that QUIPS was the play, Debbie said she didn't have an E.
>Will: ?ACGJLY K3 JAY +41 257
#note Almost did JUG. CGL is pretty grim, but I thought I might need the extra points.
>Debbie: OR 7D OR +11 274
>Will: ?CGILOS 6C CLOSInG +73 330
>Debbie: III -III +0 274
>Will: EEINORT 12A TO.E +18 348
>Debbie: AIORT H1 RATIO. +18 292
>Will: AAEINOR G1 ANI +11 359
>Debbie: DEISZ A10 DI.ZES +48 340
>Will: AEINORW M3 NEW +27 386
#note Missed RAINWEAR, didn't think to block GOBO.
>Debbie: BGINO 5E GO +16 356
>Will: AIOR B12 .AR +22 408
>Debbie: BIN O5 BIN. +9 365
>Debbie: (IO) +4 369
Player 2
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