Player 1 |
#player1 Ryan_Fischer Ryan Fischer
#player2 Dave_Gibson Dave Gibson
>Ryan_Fischer: AAEIOTT 8E IOTA +8 8
#note We had a good discussion about this one, about which position is best, and whether or not you should exchange with this rack. Though Q static wants to put the O on the star, it is in the long run best to risk the threat of BIOTA and another five-letter word, as the chance of that happening is much lower and the ATE leave is pretty good.
>Dave_Gibson: BEIMO D8 BIOME +34 34
#note And I just got really unlucky. Heh, he referred to me as his good luck charm later, as I sat next to him while he dropped a 631 on Dave Rauppius. 6 bingos, 3 in a row, 4 before the blanks came out.
>Ryan_Fischer: AAABETT 7E ABATE +20 28
#note Yeah, just really unlucky. Woof, what a horrible draw. Of note: BE(M)ATA.
>Dave_Gibson: MUU 11B MU.U +16 50
#note Well, he's not having much luck either yet.
>Ryan_Fischer: ANORRTY C10 Y.RTA +23 51
#note This is okay. Not playing ARMORY. TYRO hooking ABATE is a little better.
>Dave_Gibson: AIRRRW 6B WIRRA +28 78
#note He told me he was hoping this didn't get blocked. I know that feel.
>Ryan_Fischer: INNNORS B13 INN +12 63
#note Woof. (Disgustingly best.)
>Dave_Gibson: EIILNRZ J2 LINIER +18 96
#note Another interesting position we talked about. He took awhile before putting down this surprisingly uncharacteristic play. He said he was really worried about how easy it was to hook ABATE. I suggested just dumping IZ off of the W. He said that's interesting though he worried about "wasting" the Z and leaving that hook. Q static at least agrees, as does the sim. WIZ is definitely best.
>Ryan_Fischer: EJNOORS 4H JO.ES +40 103
>Dave_Gibson: DFT K3 D.FT +31 127
#note He debated whether or not he should place the T, as he was low on vowels. He second guessed himself here, not wanting to give that lane (as hard as it is to hit). He just got unlucky and I had an (albeit weaker) bingo elsewhere anyway.
>Ryan_Fischer: ?AEENOR L6 ARENOsE +67 170
>Dave_Gibson: ALQU C3 QUA.L +30 157
>Ryan_Fischer: EGIIOSV 8K V.GIE +27 197
>Dave_Gibson: AWYZ K10 YAW +30 187
>Ryan_Fischer: HILLOSV H1 SHO.I +45 242
#note I second-guessed myself on this one, too, 'cause VLL is so horrible. He said though for 45 points, you kinda have to go for it, roll the dice. VIOL/YAW(L) is my other option (or VILL), but it's not even close.
>Dave_Gibson: EPZ J11 ZEP +31 218
#note He said later he had the Z since LINIER and YAW was a setup for it.
>Ryan_Fischer: CDGLLOV O4 CLOV.D +15 257
>Ryan_Fischer: CDGLLOV -- -15 242
#note This is where I blow the game. I guess I shouldn't be TOO concerned with column O because there are two other place to hit. My rack is horrible but I just didn't take enough time with it. V(U)LGO cleans things up just fine. My pet peeve though is a common word such as CLOVED*, as in cloved cigarettes, or a cloved ham, isn't valid, though it has a couple hundred thousand hits on Google. He of course said he had to be pretty sure to challenge. But when is he not sure? :) (I'dve also saved myself a lot of trouble had I taken two seconds to play GLOV(E)D instead, as CL >>>>> than GL. Bleh.
>Dave_Gibson: ?DEOSSX O8 .XODuSES +95 313
#note Y'know, Matt, Winter, and I were joking about this during the back end of the Collins tourney. He nicknamed Matt "here comes the boom" but it's more apropos of Gibson. He'll be dinking along with these 20 point plays and you think you've got him right where you want him, but then one mistake, and BOOM! TBF, with all those goodies, even if I'd block, he'd likely get a bingo down soon and I'd have to work hard to get one down elsewhere on this board.
>Ryan_Fischer: CDGLLOV 4B V.LGO +18 260
#note As it should have been.
>Dave_Gibson: AEHOPRT 1A PHORATE. +92 405
#note Haha, now that's just sick!
>Ryan_Fischer: CDEFLNU 14N F. +10 270
#note And suddenly, the game is over. Yeah, I chickened out on FLIED, but thought with his less than stellar rack I might be able to get away with fishing for INCLUDES. Not bloody likely, really.
>Dave_Gibson: DEGIKNT N7 T.ED +25 430
#note He shoulda played (TA)KING first, he said, so I couldn't block as I did.
>Ryan_Fischer: CCDELNU 12H CL...D +15 285
#note Blocks TAKING.
>Dave_Gibson: GIKN H10 NI.K +10 440
#note (YAW)ING blocks my best play.
>Ryan_Fischer: CENU 15L CUE. +14 299
>Dave_Gibson: G 3G G. +5 445
>Dave_Gibson: (N) +2 447