Player 1 |
#player1 Evans_Clinchy Evans Clinchy
#player2 Dave_Koenig Dave Koenig
>Evans_Clinchy: EGIMNOT 8C EMOTING +76 76
>Dave_Koenig: DLOR B5 LORD +19 19
>Evans_Clinchy: CDEFINY A1 YINCE +41 117
#note I thought it made sense to take out this spot, but that's not really important. Sim prefers fishing with FY# 9C, or taking the points/leave of EDIFY 9D, over this.
>Dave_Koenig: AQ F6 QA. +32 51
>Evans_Clinchy: DFINRSU 9C FUDS +41 158
>Dave_Koenig: ADEGRRS I4 DRAG.ERS +64 115
>Evans_Clinchy: EINNPRY 11I .PINY +20 178
#note Didn't know PYNE#
>Dave_Koenig: CEEP H1 CEPE +31 146
>Evans_Clinchy: BEIJNRW 2G B.NJ +29 207
#note When you find a good BENJ#, look for a better BENJ#. 10K.
>Dave_Koenig: EHM J4 HEM +33 179
>Evans_Clinchy: EHIIORW L8 WHI.IER +34 241
#note Sim prefers HIOI# K5. I considered it, but I wanted to turn over more tiles to draw a blank, and WHINIER scores a little more, too.
>Dave_Koenig: LSTUZ 13H LUTZ.S +32 211
>Evans_Clinchy: BEENOOR M6 OBOE +21 262
>Dave_Koenig: OVX N4 VOX +54 265
>Evans_Clinchy: EEEINRV K5 VEE +29 291
>Dave_Koenig: DOTU O5 DOUT +28 293
>Evans_Clinchy: EEILLNR 12C RELINE +17 308
#note LEMURINE D6 sims best. Awesome play -- first of all, it scores the most, and second of all it's a good tactical move considering both blanks are unseen. If he has the blanks, LEMURINE blocks him from bingoing; if he doesn't, it digs deep into the bag to draw them.
>Dave_Koenig: AIIRSTU 3A .UTRIA +12 305
>Evans_Clinchy: ?AAAKLW G10 WA.K +41 349
#note WAKA# 11D is better. Gotta unload A's -- still plenty more where those came from.
>Dave_Koenig: OT 14L .OT +8 313
>Evans_Clinchy: ??AAAAL 14D ALAs +16 365
#note As long as I block AGONIST/GITANOS and don't give him back anything too crazy, I'm probably safe here. Quackle says playing AA 13D for 6 is 100 percent to win; I'm not sure why this isn't. Hard to find a sequence that loses.
>Dave_Koenig: FGINOST O11 GONIF +34 347
>Evans_Clinchy: ?AAAI 15A ArIA +15 380
>Dave_Koenig: ST N8 ST +15 362
>Dave_Koenig: (A) +2 364