Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Anita_Rackham Anita Rackham
#player2 Matthew_Larocque Matthew Larocque
>Anita_Rackham: AAJNP 8D JAPAN +44 44
>Matthew_Larocque: AGMORTU D8 .ORUM +28 28
#note OGAM is 33 but who wants to keep a U. Okay, I did last game. But that was 8 points instead of 5! Plus I played this before I had a chance to see OGAM. GAMUT looks cool too.
>Anita_Rackham: IOTV F8 .IVOT +18 62
>Matthew_Larocque: ADEGIST I5 AGISTED +76 104
>Anita_Rackham: BKR 5H B.RK +20 82
>Matthew_Larocque: FGLORTT J10 FORT +31 135
#note Sure, what the heck.
>Anita_Rackham: BLOSW L1 BLOWS +37 119
>Matthew_Larocque: AEGLRTY 14I GYRATE +55 190
#note OMG. :/
>Anita_Rackham: AET 15M ATE +13 132
#note "Well, I was going to exchange.... but now I have to play something there."
- Anita Rackham
>Matthew_Larocque: ?ADELMP 1G DuMPA.LE +92 282
>Matthew_Larocque: ?ADELMP -- -92 190
#note I saw all these juicy scoring plays and ultimately decided that this sounded reasonably plausible and if it didn't work out I'd still have a good play next turn. However, given the scores after this, I should have guessed that she would have challenged if she had ANY doubt at all.
>Anita_Rackham: AGIO 15F AGIO +18 150
#note "You don't need to worry, not with what I have on my rack."
- Anita Rackham
>Matthew_Larocque: ?ADELMP E11 PALM +31 221
#note I told her that I should play here just in case. I mean, the last thing I need is FRITZ for a gazillion points coming down next turn.
>Anita_Rackham: EIZ 1L .IZE +45 195
#note There it is!
>Matthew_Larocque: ?ADENOS 2N AD +31 252
#note (E)NDOStEA is an 8 that I have missed so many times that it makes me feel ashamed of my scrabble rating. I feel less bad about ADENOm(A)s because that one is a little more foreign to me. Either way it's probably a sign that I need to study so I don't get smacked back down to like a 1300 rating.
>Anita_Rackham: Y 14E .Y +28 223
>Matthew_Larocque: ?AENOSS K9 OSE +20 272
#note Well, there is a bingo here, in two different spots. However A(T)ONES for 32 is winning the sim. OSE is a few options down.
>Anita_Rackham: UUUV -UUUV +0 223
>Matthew_Larocque: ?AELNNS M3 NE +13 285
#note ALENc(O)NS. 80 points.
>Anita_Rackham: ?CEEITX N4 EXCITEd +77 300
#note That was unfortunate. I was feeling good until I realised I couldn't find any bingos. Now I was feeling like crash and burn was imminent and inevitable.
>Matthew_Larocque: ?AILNRS H3 LA. +6 291
#note Just try and stop me now!
>Anita_Rackham: DFU 2H FUD +20 320
#note Aw :(
>Matthew_Larocque: ?IINQRS M7 QI +44 335
>Anita_Rackham: EHO O9 HOE +12 332
>Matthew_Larocque: ?DINNRS 12L RIND +24 359
#note I totally missed the S hook she set up. This becomes important later.
>Anita_Rackham: EOV 13H VE.O +15 347
>Matthew_Larocque: ?EHINNS G7 N.H +20 379
>Matthew_Larocque: ?EHINNS -- -20 359
#note Well, it looked like HI upside down! I start laughing like an idiot. She asks me what I played and I just keep laughing. She waves her hand and challenges it off. Then it dawns on me. Oh, and what the heck at NINE(BARKS). People know these words?
>Anita_Rackham: LNU E5 LUN. +8 355
>Matthew_Larocque: ?EHINNS 8L H..S +60 419
#note "I was waiting for you to do that. That's the game right there."
- Anita Rackham
>Anita_Rackham: CEIRUW D1 CURIE +22 377
>Matthew_Larocque: ?EINN G11 NE +14 433
#note Terrible play but I had to beat the clock.
>Anita_Rackham: W 9C W. +9 386
>Anita_Rackham: (?IN) +4 390
#note She must have been taking a gamble with the HOE play, but given the scores I don't think she needed to put the game in such a position of chance. Either way, I got real lucky. Oh, and she was scored at 402. I used to always double check opponent plays and I've been really lax with it lately. 10+ points is just too much and it happens quite often.
Player 2
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