Player 1 |
#player1 Doug_Riblet Doug Riblet
#player2 Matt_Canik Matt Canik
>Doug_Riblet: AEEOZ 8D ZOEAE +48 48
>Matt_Canik: ILLNSTV E7 V.LTI +16 16
#note Wins a sim over L(A)V
>Doug_Riblet: ?AABINR H1 AtABRIN. +86 134
>Matt_Canik: BELNSTU 2A BLUNTES. +72 88
#note Wasn't sure if ABLUENT took the S or not. I really need to learn words again.
>Doug_Riblet: EIX A1 I.EX +63 197
>Matt_Canik: DFIIMSW D10 IMID +20 108
#note Down a bunch early, I want to make sure this board stays open, so I thought it was okay throwing this and its hooks out there. Shoulda played (B)IFID.
>Doug_Riblet: HIJ 3G H.JI +35 232
#note And after a Z, RETINA bingo, X, and J, I'm down 100. Cool.
>Matt_Canik: DFKNSTW C1 F.NK +22 130
>Doug_Riblet: EEF 4C .EEF +22 254
>Matt_Canik: DEISSTW K3 STEW +29 159
#note Quack likes WISED/IMIDS or WISED/HAJIS more.
>Doug_Riblet: EQU 10B QU..E +36 290
>Matt_Canik: ?DEINRS 1H .RIDNEsS +77 236
#note I'm playing up here because I still want to keep the board open and don't want to know out the 14 row.
>Doug_Riblet: AGLOOT 14A GALOOT +26 316
>Matt_Canik: AIMNPRT C12 PA.M +26 262
#note Wins the sim
>Doug_Riblet: INWY 15E WINY +37 353
>Matt_Canik: EGINRRT O1 .TRINGER +80 342
>Doug_Riblet: CHOU A11 COU.H +36 389
>Matt_Canik: CDLOOPS J5 POD +19 361
#note POD and POOD flipflop on the sim.
>Doug_Riblet: AEG L4 AGE +24 413
>Matt_Canik: ACLORSY 14H OY +10 371
#note This opens up a really hard-to--block lane. I've got next to no shot at outrunning him, I feel like I need the bing here. I don't see *much* that I can draw into ACLRS without getting the E, so I really hope I can get that.
Duck likes (A)Y G8 for 9, gives me shots at OSCULAR/OCULARS/CAROLUS with a U, ESCOLAR and friends with the E, SCROTAL with the T, and CORRALS with an R , but I don't see where CORRALS would fit.
>Doug_Riblet: AEOORUV N8 ARVO +17 430
#note Nothing in the bag bingoes.
>Matt_Canik: AACDLRS O11 SCALD +35 406
>Doug_Riblet: EOTU 15K OUTE. +7 437
>Doug_Riblet: (AR) +4 441